centauri question

You do have a copy of SFoS, right? You know what sort of stat line these ships have?
Their quality as fighting units is mediocre verging on pathetic.
It's Curate's Egg time; the Centauri fleet list has some of the most thoroughly slagged- off ships in the game, in both directions.
These belong to the 'Ask me in the morning...the morning after five dancing girls, twenty- seven shots of Brevari and a brawl in a Narn opera house...and then I might be far enough out of my head to consider trying to find a use for them' category.
Captain Triggy said:
Talisinbear said:
I like both new sculpts

Why I am leaning to Centaurian fleet, the range of models, although I want a deeper purple colour *smile

Interesting the Morgrath and Haven are two ships that no one has meentioned. Both are nice sculpts

The models for both are nice and the Morgrath is even a decent ship stats wise but unfortunately the Haven is one of the worst performing ships in the game so it's very rare to see one on the table :(

I normally agree with Triggy but I think he's looking at a different Morgrath to me! :lol:

It might not bed bad IF none of the other skirmish level ships existed!
Slower than the others, less agile, damage isn't great, the maximus is a better choice defensively and the rubbish plasma stream is outclassed by the darkner's guns. The Vorchan packs better punch too.
Not too fond of the Morgath myself either...Centauri definately have better skirmish ships (although probably not the Kutai ;) )

emperorpenguin said:
Itkovian said:
Morgrath is (If memory serves) the only Centauri with Anti Fighter though

doesn't even have that saving grace, you're thinking of the maximus

Yeah, though it does have a turreted weapon, although it is weak!

I do much prefer the Maximus (Hull 6 is always fun) and Darkners are fun despite their relative fraility. Saying that, the Vorchans are definately the 'coolest' look Centauri skirmish models IMO + there are 2 variants in addition to the standard ship you can chose from!
actually I wonder if anyones tried a 5 point armageddon game of nothing but Corvans, that could be funny (though I suspect it would end very badly for the Centauri especially now stealth is a tad weaker than it used to be :p)
The Darkner is too fragile for my liking (while the Amar is rubbish!) but I'd take one before a Morgrath!

The Maximus is an excellent defensive ship.

The Vorchan and variants may not be ideal but they do look cool and have the speed and agility which the Morgrath lacks.

IMO the Morgrath needs a better plasma stream, make it the Centauri version of the ka'toc and it might be worthwhile.
It would be nice if the Kutai was worth taking, i really like the model.
One problem of the prority system over points is that crap ship stats mean that those ships will never be taken.
so why does centauri seem to have the most ship options?

as I lean more and more this way


Also anyone know a good source of B5 minis in Canada?
The Centauri don't have the most options. EA have more, but the Centauri fleet is extensive. Unfortunately, several of those ships are basically worthless as has been stated previously.

As for the fighters, you won't find better photos than on the Mongoose main site to my knowledge. For a better idea of what the fighters look like (as opposed to what the models look like) you could search for images of the fighters from the show and fan art.
Almost every game out there has the core force sort of US military-based and usually the faction that gets the most attention, from Vor to Infinity and beyond

In my case wouldn't play them. This is fanatsy so go with a fantasy faction

And the Centauri seem to have greatest diversity there. The shadow/vorlon and Narn ships all tend to look alike to me

The shadow/vorlon and Narn ships all tend to look alike to me

They're very different! You see, that Vorlon ship has a swirly thing about 3 centimeters higher than the other Vorlon ship. Big difference!

Okay. I can't tell one Vorlon ship from another half the time other than their size difference either. :lol:
Talisinbear said:
Almost every game out there has the core force sort of US military-based and usually the faction that gets the most attention, from Vor to Infinity and beyond


This is something I like about 40K. Not many Americanisms made it into the Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy. :wink:
yeah, unless you dealing with a primarily 30 inch range fleet, you can do the 4 x 4 without distorting you tactics too much. Though I am finding that the run the clock out game when you have the advantage VP wise is much easier on the 4 x 6.
