Slightly Norse John
You do have a copy of SFoS, right? You know what sort of stat line these ships have?
Their quality as fighting units is mediocre verging on pathetic.
It's Curate's Egg time; the Centauri fleet list has some of the most thoroughly slagged- off ships in the game, in both directions.
These belong to the 'Ask me in the morning...the morning after five dancing girls, twenty- seven shots of Brevari and a brawl in a Narn opera house...and then I might be far enough out of my head to consider trying to find a use for them' category.
Their quality as fighting units is mediocre verging on pathetic.
It's Curate's Egg time; the Centauri fleet list has some of the most thoroughly slagged- off ships in the game, in both directions.
These belong to the 'Ask me in the morning...the morning after five dancing girls, twenty- seven shots of Brevari and a brawl in a Narn opera house...and then I might be far enough out of my head to consider trying to find a use for them' category.