Can you recommend and good 3rd Party Products


Hi All,

I was just wondering if anyone could recommend any 3rd party products they have used in conjunction with Conan. I have seen these few recommend in this forum:-

Ancient Kingdoms: Mesopotamia

Mass Combat
Cry Havoc.

Could any recommend any others??????


Fields of Blood - Mass Combat

Thieves' World Player's Manual - Additional player character classes. (Yes, I know Conan doesn't NEED more). I use the Savant in place of the Scholar for craftsman, merchants, etc. I also use the Survivor for heroes of low birth that don't start their careers in a warrior-oriented class. The Assassin is pretty good as well.

Grim Tales - for cobbling together anything else d20-related I need that isn't covered in a Conan sourcebook.

Torn Asunder - Critical Hits

Spycraft 2.0 - I'm adapting the Dramatic Conflict rules for Chases, Infiltrations, Interrogations, and Seductions. Also considering using the Subplot mechanic from this book as well.

Also considering adapting Action Dice/Points from Grim Tales/Spycraft as a Fate Point replacement. Probably won't implement for fear of reducing the grittiness of Conan, but I like the mechanics and concept.

Malhavoc Press
Iron Heroes: Excellent system and good for those who like to tinker and add things from other systems into their games.

Green Ronin
Advanced Bestiary: Templates work for most games in many ways.
Cavalier's Handbook: Great rules for retainers and mount quality, as well as feats and extra goodies.
Noble's Handbook: Great rules for high society, definitely worthwhile if you've got Nobles in your Conan game.
Witch's Handbook: Nifty extras.
Shaman's Handbook: Ditto.
Bastards & Bloodlines: Despite being a 'race' book, this is my favourite book for creating Conan-esque monsters.

That's all I can think of off-hand. I'm sure there are plenty more, though.

And of course, Mongoose Publishing has plenty of non-Conan gaming books which work well with Conan.
I've liked the D20 versions of A Wheel of Time and A Game of Thrones. Both can work wonders for inspiration and both are relatively low-magic (well, perhaps not so true for the Wheel of Time). Bloodriders for Hyrkanian nomads, Zingaran Waterdancers, The Others threatening settlements in Vanaheim, Trollocs created by a mad alchemist, the movement of the Children of the Light breaking out in Nemedia, the ancient evil of Shaddar Logoth... You get the idea. I had used the Psychic's Handbook a while back, which might be useful in portraying characters with, well, psychic powers that are different than spells but it would need a lot of toning down to avoid appealing to powergamers. I have also found Armies of Antiquity (a supplement for Warhammer Ancient Battles) useful as it gives a good breakdown for armies throughout the ages. You can use Middle Kingdom Egyptians for Stygians, Assyrians for Pelishtim armies, Norse Vikings for Vanaheim and so on. The individual books can also be useful providing you with tactics, more details and pics. Taschen has some great coffee-table books on Ancient Egypt as well as other civilizations come to think of it.
count_zero said:
I've liked the D20 versions of A Wheel of Time ....Trollocs created by a mad alchemist, the movement of the Children of the Light breaking out in Nemedia, the ancient evil of Shaddar Logoth

Wheel of Time and Conan!

BLASPHEMY!!! :wink:
Check out for their OGL Barbarian products. They are a good bunch of source books.
Taharqa said:
count_zero said:
I've liked the D20 versions of A Wheel of Time ....Trollocs created by a mad alchemist, the movement of the Children of the Light breaking out in Nemedia, the ancient evil of Shaddar Logoth

Wheel of Time and Conan!

BLASPHEMY!!! :wink:

Well, then I should not tell you about my scenario based on the Three Musketeers.... Alexander Dumas would definitely roll in his grave with that one. :lol:
What about a good supplements for martial artists? Something that could be used to run adventures like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, D20 preferably that can be adapted to Conan? I think khitans need more of that.
Voltumna said:
What about a good supplements for martial artists? Something that could be used to run adventures like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, D20 preferably that can be adapted to Conan? I think khitans need more of that.

I'm hoping there will be a future supplement on Khitai.
That would be a good place for new "oriental" feats, new interpretations of skills, new regional data, more treasure, magic items, monster and NPC stats, other goodies like the Martial Disciple (from S&P 30, p. 46ff.)....or something like it.