Obviously LoS comes into play. In poiint of fact if you read my post I mentioned Open i.e. not blocked Line of Sight.
The European Theatre of Operations is not as short ranged as a thick jungle.
Throughout much of the world, Iraq for instance there are many instances of quite extended Lines of Sight.
We were not discussing anything other than the ranges of weapons in relationship to the size of Tank Models etc.
I was simply showing what the insistence on too much realism can have on a game situation, note the Game.
The specific combat table setup I discussed in GHQ scale was used in Battle Simulations in Germany during the late 1960's to help train unit Commanders. The boards were moveable to allow for moving the GHQ Miniatures, the terrain was Topographically correct including buildings.
But it certainly was NOT a GAME nor was it doable for most game playing individuals.
As foe terrain blocking Los, of course, but if I place my tank, artillery or unit on a high point (very common tactic) I do cover effectively the areas mentioned in the scales specified.
If you will look at most game tables you will see relatively little vertical variation, while the real world has a lot.
In 30mm scale a 5-7 story structure will represent approx 80 feet and require a minimum 12 inch tall structure.
Trees in my second neighbors back yard were over 140 feet tall till they were cut down. A scale model of them would be nearly 2 feet tall!!
Again we have to consider practicality for our wargames.
As someone on this thread, they were more concerned that ranges for various weapons were relatively comparable to one another. Tanks, shoulder fired weapons, emplacements etc.
As far as not hitting someone on the other side of a freeway, ha, ha ha I have seen supposedly well trained marksmen shoot at a moving/fleeing target at ranges of 12 to 24 feet (handguns) 23 shots fired no hits of any sort on target. Honestly not that uncommon in high stress situations.