Background Writer Vacancy


Staff member
Hi guys,

Mongoose is considering opening a new vacancy in our ranks for a Background/Setting Writer. This is a full-time, home-based position which would require the successful candidate to create expanded material based on established universes. No gaming knowledge is required, but a solid understanding of the licensed properties Mongoose works with is an absolute must, as is a published history.

Interested individuals should submit the following details to

Details of published work
Reasonable expectation of salary
Two 800 word articles based on any subject of your choice, set within any two of the following universes; Conan, Starship Troopers, Babylon 5, or Judge Dredd.

Submissions missing one or more of the items above will be summarily eaten!
lastbesthope said:
Man, if I was a better writer and houses didn't cost so much in Bristol :?


Southern England sucks...
You could get a house up north for how much the down payments on flats are round here.
Rob_alderman said:
lastbesthope said:
Man, if I was a better writer and houses didn't cost so much in Bristol :?


Southern England sucks...
You could get a house up north for how much the down payments on flats are round here.

To paraphrase McGoohan's LongShanks from "BraveHeart"

"The trouble with England is, it's full of English!"

Question: So by "home-based" do you mean living in England, working at Mongoose headquarters?

I ask only because I know you work with quite a few freelancers as well...
lastbesthope said:
Rob_alderman said:
lastbesthope said:
Man, if I was a better writer and houses didn't cost so much in Bristol :?


Southern England sucks...
You could get a house up north for how much the down payments on flats are round here.

To paraphrase McGoohan's LongShanks from "BraveHeart"

"The trouble with England is, it's full of English!"


Says the Scotsman who lives in England :p
Rob_alderman said:
Southern England sucks...
You could get a house up north for how much the down payments on flats are round here.

Ah, but you loose it all with the winter fuel bills :twisted:
dorward said:
Rob_alderman said:
Southern England sucks...
You could get a house up north for how much the down payments on flats are round here.

Ah, but you loose it all with the winter fuel bills :twisted:

Tell me about it - but the north doesn't have to worry as much about water, as far as I know. My summer fuel bills are looking more like my winter ones these days...

Good luck to whoever gets the job, more than a little envious... :)

Hurray another chance! Some years ago Mongoose Publishing had an open call for a writer and I spent two months writing a book and cramming four years worth of Babylon 5 into my brain. I kept meaning to get around to season 5 and watch the movies and it looks like I have a reason to now!

Of course the choices are much better this time around. I am a big fan of Starship Troopers, having seen everything except the second movie which I am told is terrible -but I'm off to the video store to round out my knowledge. The CGI serries was awesome. I'm also a Judge Dredd fan, captured by Stalone's performance. He was made for that role. I'm always disapointed they never had a sequel.

As for reasonable salary, I had the opportunity to speak with Margaret Weis at Gen-Con 2005 and she happened to mention - what, er, no no I wasn't going to ask for that much. Kind, kind computer I was just asking, beggin, the nice compationate all knowing computer for a security clearance increase so that I could requisition a second pencil. The died but his output was giberish- oh you liked his work. Oh in that case I'll definetely settle for a new monkey. Perhaps one day my security clearance will be high enough to use the typewriter.

Mark Charke
Am I right in guessing that knowledge of one universe alone is insufficient?

I'd be set for Babylon 5, but I'm not too familiar with the other three...

Couldn't have applied anyway - still got a year on my studies.

Doesnt stop it being a sweet job though!