Babylon 5 2nd Edition - Out This Week!

its a HUGE book...360 pages according to the write up.

Anyway, hoping to pick mine up this week! Thanks for the tip, Matt! just a couple days late for ConQuest I guess...
Got mine today and look forward to the nice long read that it will provide for me. ;)
lastbesthope said:
Greg Smith said:
You're like a terrier with a bone - never lets go! :lol:

Like I said elsewhere on the forum, all I want is what we were told we'd get, compatibility.

me too, the books are not cheap and I have spent more than 200 euros on B5 books last year.
lastbesthope said:
Like I said elsewhere on the forum, all I want is what we were told we'd get, compatibility.


For once I agree with LBH. Keep on the case, brother.
I sold my 1st Edition on Ebay but held onto Fiery Trial, Into The Crucible etc. I thought i'd pick up the 2nd edition book at Salute next week and be good to go. Now it appears that may not be the case. I won't buy the 2nd edition until I know where I stand in terms of compatability. Either that, or i'll run them in Savage Worlds :D


And ya know, it really *is* out in the UK this week :) Just swiped a copy for myself and am flicking through as I type...

First impressions:

1) OGL logo on the front instead of d20. This is the biggie for me. Losing the need for a D&D rulebook helps a lot as it's likely to sell to more B5 fans who haven't played an RPG before. It also means no irritating cross-referencing. It may unfortunately also mean a few rules "got lost" somewhere but no evidence of that in this one yet.

2) No season 1 info included. I think there's a seperate season 1 book coming out to cover this. A good thing again as you don't really need to be carrying S1 pages to every game and it gives more space for core rules.

3) Page layout. Nice and readable... except for the main section headings which have been done in a "techno" font that you sometimes have to stare at for a second or two to comprehend... No biggie though. The important thing is you can read the bulk of the text without ugly background colouring getting in the way.

4) Book layout. All seems to be in a sensible order, with the stuff you need to create characters at the beginning, combat in the middle, and GM/background stuff at the end.

5) Conversion from 1st edition: Is covered in a total of two pages at the back of the book and is mostly skill/feat related and to cover the new "Influence" stat, no real pain there, and I wouldn't worry about compatability with old books. The only thing you might need to think about is the "structural spaces" stat on ships, but with the majority of campaigns it shouldnt prove too big a task for the GM (unless you're in the habit of needing stats for a couple of dozen new ships every session... personally I usually abstract the ship stuff anyway and don't bother with rules+stats)
The only thing you might need to think about is the "structural spaces" stat on ships, but with the majority of campaigns it shouldnt prove too big a task for the GM (unless you're in the habit of needing stats for a couple of dozen new ships every session... personally I usually abstract the ship stuff anyway and don't bother with rules+stats)

Don't worry, I spent many a long hours on the Shipbuilder's Manual and Ships of the Galaxy using the 2nd Ed System. If a Games Master can't find what they need between those two tomes...

...I'll eat my flashdrive.

-Bry, who should really get back to work, as his "Mushy Grey Wallet With Strings Attached" (tm by Claudia Christian) is telling him to!
Mongoose Steele said:
-Bry, who should really get back to work, as his "Mushy Grey Wallet With Strings Attached" (tm by Claudia Christian) is telling him to!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

At least we never got to find out what it was like to have a "Mushy" attached!
