AVATARS + problems? where the Set am i now?

I see with pleasure that you don't have your breast-plate anymore. Don't you feel more comfortable now?
And you're much more fitting in the Conan world. Too bad I don't have my sun avatar anymore to warm you up.
You guys are aware that pictures of tits are readily available on the Internet, yes?

P.S., I'm a 19-year-old platinum blonde lingerie model with double-D boobs.
Buxom Sorceress told us how she looked liked. Why should we be suspicious just because we're on the net and can't face each other?
Her contribution is always funny and with a bit of erotism.
This is also belongs to Howard and Conan.

But you're deadly true; this just could be another muslim terrorist trying to infiltrate our decadent civilization from within.
Ashigaru said:
You guys are aware that pictures of tits are readily available on the Internet, yes?

P.S., I'm a 19-year-old platinum blonde lingerie model with double-D boobs.

Are you aware that this IS the Internet? :p
I'd just like to see some *Conan RPG relevance*, I don't think that's too much to expect. This isn't the Buxom Sorceress Fanclub for Lonely Guys. Really, trolling an RPG board for fanboy adulation is kind of sad, and responding even more so.

Does she even game? Before this, when was the last time she posted? To show off a new avatar. :roll:
Ashigaru said:
I'd just like to see some *Conan RPG relevance*, I don't think that's too much to expect. This isn't the Buxom Sorceress Fanclub for Lonely Guys. Really, trolling an RPG board for fanboy adulation is kind of sad, and responding even more so.

Does she even game? Before this, when was the last time she posted? To show off a new avatar. :roll:

Okay, okay...enough already. You have some validity with your comments although you seem to be taking this matter a bit too seriously. I for one am no fanboy, DO play the game and was refering to her AVATAR. You are more than entititled to your opinion since this is a forum. However, I will point out that this thread was for AVATARS. IMHO her comments and the responses were more than fair game since that was the topic of discussion.

Not to fight her battles (I am confident that she will respond herself at some point), check out the Conan.com forums and you will see that she has contributed quite a bit of good REH and Conan "stuff". Not everyone on this site is a gamer. There are many Conan fans out here as well.

We will just leave it at that. No harm, no foul 8)

What she's contributed is posts upon posts of poor syntax, lots of "+"'s instead of "and"s, some bizarro posting-style that she thinks passes for "sexy and flirty banter" and overall general non-content.

Yeah, she's funny. But not intentionally. Especially when you consider "buxom" is probably a synonym for an unflattering weight condition. Which is pretty L-O-L.
you few apparently miserable, moaning, whining, nit-picking, spoil-sports just make me LAUGH my stockings off at your seemingly pointless, pathetic, puerile attempts to criticise, flame/provoke, and 'bully' a harmless and polite rare female member? :lol: .. :p
YOU sad few know who you are.

why are they jumping in from nowhere just to try to 'attack' me personally? what have i ever done to them? some of them have tried to flame me before, in another thread, but i ignored their pathetic comments. [ they hate being ignored? :lol: ]

i've dealt with a few rare 'woman-haters' in my years of RPG gaming [ i am a very experienced DM/GM and player] and on some male-dominated net forums.
they are all the same. they cannot stand a strong minded woman with some talent and intelligence?

or perhaps they just hate other fans having some harmless flirting bawdy fun?
i don't have to defend myself. my huge record of posts, book reviews, and fantasy poetry at conan.com site tells folks all they want to know about my fun loving enthusiasm for all things sword & sorcery. [ i don't have time to play rpg these days so i don't post regularly here. but i like to read most things and stay in touch.]

my sincere THANKS to all the nice good humoured members who share some fun with me, and who have supported and defended me so splendidly in this thread.
cheers guys! :)
NOW let's get back to showing and discussing any new AVATARS that you are proud of.
[ the OFF-TOPIC 'trivial junk flamers' will be ignored.]
Yup, that's it. We're annoyed by you because we're "woman-haters." And because you're SO EXTREMELY TALENTED AND INTELLIGENT. Good call.

No one's attacking you personally. We don't know anything about your personal life (thank God). But your posting-style is public, so it's up for grabs. And it turns me off from wanting to register at the Conan.com boards because your bull**** is everywhere there.

I notice you DID refrain from the numbing multitude of plus signs in that last post, so maybe I'll reconsider.
i like your AVATARS. cool art. :)

+ + +N+E+W+S+ + +
many men find my 'style' most attractive + entertaining. + my very popular fantasy Sorceress online character has inspired many new rhymes at conan.com
check out our great fantasy poetry topics there.
the latest is called 'RHYMES OF SKELOS' << 8)
+ + + + + + + + +
DourDeadlyPuritan said:
Yup, that's it. We're annoyed by you because we're "woman-haters." And because you're SO EXTREMELY TALENTED AND INTELLIGENT. Good call.

No one's attacking you personally. We don't know anything about your personal life (thank God). But your posting-style is public, so it's up for grabs. And it turns me off from wanting to register at the Conan.com boards because your bull**** is everywhere there.

I notice you DID refrain from the numbing multitude of plus signs in that last post, so maybe I'll reconsider.

You should come over to the site DourDeadlyPuritan - it's now the Official REH Forum and encompasses all of his writings/characters/poems/works under one easily navigated forum. Obviously you and the Buxom one are having a bit of a tiff right now but it's a big site so no need to bump into each others posts if you don't want to.

Buxom can take care of herself just fine. So don't let that stop you from enjoying the discussions about Solomon Kane and others. In fact there is some breaking news right now about the Solomon Kane movie.

Hope to see you over there. 8)
by the fangs of Set + the hairy arse of Hanuman!
the conan/reh 'press-gang' seem bloody desperate to recruit more pirate crew?? :lol:
captain Crom-beard used to have some high standards...?? :wink:

ah well, back to feeding the crows in the nest...
wait, ...what do i spy?
..do i actually see new AVATARS on the horizon...? :shock:

now politely STAY ON TOPIC or walk the plank.
Alas, I thought I was complimenting you Buxom (I have no doubt you can withstand some back and forth) - and I'm always recruiting others to REH - aren't you?. :lol: