Autocannons: Damage?


Emperor Mongoose
Cannon: A large calibre gun used to arm the heavy tanks and armoured vehicles of mid-Tech Level armies.
I guess this is something like a 88 - 105 mm tank guns used from the end of WW2.
TL8, 2km, 2500 kg, 1DD AP0

Heavy Autocannon: This is a heavy (60-65 mm) rapid-fire belt-fed weapon capable of engaging light armoured vehicles and aircraft.
TL6, 1km, 1000kg, 1DD, Auto 3

Medium Autocannon: This is a medium-calibre (30-45 mm) rapid-fire belt-fed weapon capable of engaging light armoured vehicles and aircraft.
TL6, 1km, 500kg, 8D, Auto 3

Light Autocannon: This is a conventional autocannon, of 20-25mm calibre.
TL6, 1km, 250kg, 6D, Auto 3

Heavy Machinegun: Designed to be mounted upon a vehicle or tripod, ...
TL6, 1km, 100kg, 4D, Auto 3

The heavy autocannon does too much damage. The light auto cannon is reasonable compared to HMG?
MG:     TL5, 3D, Auto 4   (MG42, RoF, ~1000-1500)
HMG     TL4, 4D, Auto 3   (Browning .50, RoF ~500)
Light:  TL4, 6D, Auto 3   (MG151/20, RoF ~600 rpm)
Medium: TL5, 7D, Auto 2   (Bofors 40mm, RoF ~200 rpm)
Heavy:  TL6, 8D, Auto 2   (Bofors 57mm. RoF ~200 rpm)
Maybe, but
CSC said:
Heavy Cannon: This is a main-calibre gun which arms many mid-tech armoured fighting vehicles.
I assumed this was the current ~120mm MBT gun. So the regular Cannon had to be smaller, like say a 100mm (or for historical purposes 88-105mm).

I know I build assumption open assumption, but a TL 8 "large caliber" tank cannon should be more powerful than a TL 6 ~60mm cannon.

P.S. I thought WW2 was TL5. D.S.
TL drift strikes again!

Originally in Traveller TL6 was WW2/Korean War era. But over time and with various authors for no apparent reason it has drifted.

Anyway, I'm not convinced that the Heavy Auto-canon should be introduced at TL6. And certainly not with damage 1DD and Auto 3.