Army Builder Program for BFE

That would be a little hard to do since the rules are too vague in many areas to make a program without having to either guess or make your own clarifications first.

1. Does true believer and Civilian troop traits stack?
2. Does ADS trait work in CC?
3. Do you add cost in points before adding or subtracting % when stacking traits?
4. How many models does a emplacement hold?
5. When is the cost for the type 99 and PLA infantry going to be errata?

I sure there are others, that was just what I could think up in 1 minute.
The Old Soldier said:
1. Does true believer and Civilian troop traits stack?
2. Does ADS trait work in CC?
3. Do you add cost in points before adding or subtracting % when stacking traits?
4. How many models does a emplacement hold?
5. When is the cost for the type 99 and PLA infantry going to be errata?

1. Yes they do stack, if they didn't it would say so.
2. Nope, it says in the rules "the first shooting attack is ignored"
3. Matt has said that you add the cost for making a unit command before working out the % cost for adding APS, I would say the same should then apply for smoke.
4. Who knows. (and you know my feelings on this :wink: )
5. Untill they are adjusted (if they ever are) they are as given.
Actually, I'm fairly close. Here is what I have left to do:

- Finish with the text on the cards. At first I was concerned with putting all the text from the cards into the file until I saw that MGP put the cards on their website.

- Finish the MEA army construction rules. The others are essentially done.

- Add the upgrades that are in the main rulebook; smoke, APS, etc. (the response from cordas helps)

- Emplacements. I may publish before this is done just to get some feedback.

My biggest problem is time. When I started I had lots of it. But as usual just when I'm close to finishing up, I get hit with extra work and things the wife needs me to do. Oh well, that's life.
My biggest problem is time. When I started I had lots of it. But as usual just when I'm close to finishing up, I get hit with extra work and things the wife needs me to do. Oh well, that's life.
Leave her and quit the job :twisted:
I did get a little closer last night to putting the beta version out.

Still left:

- Multiple platoons based on points
- Supporting Artillery option for all
- Civilian Troops option for MEA
- True Believers option for MEA
- Text from back of cards (almost all)

I'm considering a change to how I do transports, but I won't do that until after I make the beta available and get feedback. It may only affect the MEA since all the others have a 1 - 1 unit to transports, where the MEA need two technic

To also speed up getting this out, I may not put all the text in that is on the back of each unit card until after the beta is out.

Finally, I want to think a bit about how to limit the platoons based on point size. For example the US can have only one force for 1500pts. I need to add logic for those people who want to play 2000-3000 pts and use two platoons. For the time being, they will have to generate a second list if the want more than one platoon.

With any luck I can get this out by the weekend, next at the latest.
Errr the USMC need at least 2 Shadows to transport a squad, and as many as 4.

Are you just doing a platoon structure for building armies, or are you also going to do a points system where you can just straight buy what you want?
cordas said:
Errr the USMC need at least 2 Shadows to transport a squad, and as many as 4.

:oops: :oops: I just caught that myself. I don't normally play US (still waiting for my wave 1 stuff to arrive). I'm going to look at this tonight and see if there is a solution with the way I've been doing it, otherwise, I may need to rework transports after all. I guess I'm going to have to make them an option when selecting troops which I was hoping I wouldn't have to change.

cordas said:
Are you just doing a platoon structure for building armies, or are you also going to do a points system where you can just straight buy what you want?

Actually, I'm allowing both. When you start an army, you will have to choose between using the quickstart rules that came in the box (read as no army build requirements) or the Main Rule Book. If you choose the Main Rule Book, you will then choose between Infantry force or Armour Force (or Government and Militia for MEA)
Except for the text on the back of the cards I'm just about done. I have a couple of clean up things to do which should take me about an hour or two.

Here's my question. Will anyone miss the Special Rules on the back of the cards since you should have the cards anyway? Is it worth holding up the files until I get them done?

If the text can wait, I can post a beta this weekend.
Post the beta without them, but really for the full thing I would want those rules, its always handy when building a force to be able to look up special rules, without having to go and dig out the cards. 8)

Now I just need to sort out Army Builder, since I rebuilt my machine it refuses to aknowledge I have a serial code *GRRR*
Hey It is up to you if you want to post with out text. You have volunteered your time for us. Thank you for it, and I can not wait to test the beta.
Guys I finally got the AB3 data files done enough to post. What I thought was about an hour or two worth of work turned into over 12 hours.

I suspect there are some errors and such so be kind if you find something that isn't right.

I did got all the card text in as I was able to cut and paste from the cards Mongoose posted online instead of retyping everything.

The only place I could post it for the time being was on the Mongoose Mods yahoo sight at:

Once it gets a couple of revisions I will set up automatic updates.

As promised it allows you to build an army just using the cards and the quick start rules in each box, or follow the army restrictions from the rulebook. Just be aware that if you chose to use the cards option, you will not be able to use things like the APS, Smoke, Artillery, etc.

I intend to include the cards from S & P, but it will be a few days before I will attack it as I need to catch up on some other things. So until then, hope this was worth the wait.

I almost forgot. After you download it, go to the folder where AB3 is installed. Create a subfolder called BFEVO under the data folder. Unzip to that folder. It should then be available the next time you run AB3
Uploaded an update to fix a problem with the Shadows. Also added Smoke and APS to EFTF and PLA transports.