Armor Questions


I have tried to get an answer in rulemasters but nothing so far so I'll ask here. I have three questions concerning armor and penetration.

Does Armor DR protect against energy attacks like Kothic Demon Fire, I can't seem to find an answer suggesting whether it does or not.

Does Natural armor stack with Parry and Dodge? In Road of Kings Natural Armor doesn't add in when Flat-footed, but in SoS there is no Flat-footed listed, suggesting that it factors into dodge even against Touch attacks.

Could you clarify for me how to use it, I want to design a monster or two, and have no idea how I should use it.

Last question, with magic weapons, if I were to enchant a weapon and make it +1 war sword, does the enhancement only apply to att/dmg or does it apply to AP as well.

Does anyone have an answer??
Regarding protection from energy, the d20 answer would be a definite no. For Conan specifically, there is no official ruling that I know of. In these cases, it's generally safe to go with d20 default, but you are free to rule either way you wish.

Re natural armour stacking with parry and dodge, I don't understand the question at all. Natural armour gives DR, just like regular armour. Dodge and parry values are calculated completely independantly.

As far as I am aware, there are no hard and fast rules for enchanted weapons in Conan (SoS has some general guidelines, but does not try to define exactly what can or can't be done) -- the premise is that magic items of any kind are all unique, and you are better to design effects specific to the item, rather than follow a fixed formula. Thus, you would be fine to add to attack, damage and/or AP as you see fit. As a side note, there should probably be some kind of drawback or cost associated with the weapon.
Really, most "magic" weapons on Conan are just bane weapons designed to slay specific monsters. So that's the approach I would take for the most part.

The occassional DnD style uber weapon might be fun once in a while but naturally you can't let a PC hold onto it forever. :twisted:

I also like SableWyvern's idea of a "cost" to such items. Curses or cultists or something that might persuade the PC that their new fancy sword just isn't worth the trouble.
Tristan said:
Really, most "magic" weapons on Conan are just bane weapons designed to slay specific monsters. So that's the approach I would take for the most part.

Ooh, yeah, and there's nothing like having a PC discover that the sorcerer he annoyed a while ago has not only hired an assassin to track and kill him, but forged a bane weapon to help with the job.

This blade has YOUR name on it. :twisted:
With regards to magical energy attacks, you could try a house rule along the lines of anything that requires a ranged touch attack or touch attack bypasses armor while armor is applied to all other such attacks.
SableWyvern said:
Re natural armour stacking with parry and dodge, I don't understand the question at all. Natural armour gives DR, just like regular armour. Dodge and parry values are calculated completely independantly.

In Conan, Natural Armor apparently applies to Defence, but the way it's applied in SoS is different then in RoK. Does anyone know why?

As far as Magic Weapons go, in SoS they have +1,+2, Special, and Bane, but do not clarify if the enhancement applies to just Attack and Damage or includes AP as well. They don't list what special you can have but do say that you cannot exceed the enhancement of the weapon. The only example is a Tulwar that is +2, and has a +6 to AP. It appears that some thing got left out in SoS, so I was wondering if there was any ruling on this.

I was told that you can get an answer in Rulemasters but they haven't given a response as of yet.
Ah, I see what you mean regarding natural armour.

You generally can get answers in the Rulemasters, but it often takes a while.

Given that AE and Scrolls both use natural bonuses to Dodge Defense, you can safely assume that they are correct, while RoK is incorrect. Apparently Vincent was unaware exactly which rules were going to be used for creatures while writing RoK, and a few problems that made it into the stat blocs that were not caught at editing (IIRC, the monsters in RoK also do not have Ref bonuses applied to initiative).

In general, where there are mechanical differences, RoK is likely in the wrong.
That's what I thought, but what about versus touch attacks, natural armor shouldn't apply. So should it be like the shield bonus, or that it applies all the time except against touch?
Natural armour does not apply to Dodge or Parry. Touch attacks are against Dodge. Natural armour applies to DR only.

What is referred to as "natural" in the monster stat blocks is what the monster has because of its "level" (hit dice). Just like how characters get modifiers to Dodge and Parry because of their levels, so do monsters because of their hit dice.

RoK does indeed calculate this incorrectly because the editor at the time (different than the editor now) did not explain to me the monster rules at the time (of course, they were also in the midst of being developed).
Well, that makes sense. Thanks Vincent.

Oh, and just to be clear, I wasn't tring to imply that you were responsible for the stat-bloc mistakes in RoK.
While not wholly responsible, the mistakes in the stat-blocs were largely mine and I don't mind taking the heat for them. I should have insisted on more clarification instead of assuming I knew what I was doing. I do a lot more asking now when I am unsure of the rules. Live and learn!
While I'd agree with you that natural armor shouldn't apply to parry or dodge, it still applies in Shadizar as well.

For instance:

Fire Drake DV: 31 (-4 size, +5 dex, +20 Natural) DR: 20

Pili (monstrous humaniod): DV:15 (+ 5 Natural) DR:2
What makes the Pili significant to my point is that it can take classes with the barbarian as favored. So how do you handle this situation???
Netherek said:
While I'd agree with you that natural armor shouldn't apply to parry or dodge, it still applies in Shadizar as well.

For instance:

Fire Drake DV: 31 (-4 size, +5 dex, +20 Natural) DR: 20

The Natural bonus isn't due to natural armour, it's due to the animal's Hit Dice. Think of it as a Natural Dodge.
Netherek said:
So then, how is Natural bonus calculated ???
If the creature has a Good Reflex Save, use the barbarian Dodge progression. If Poor Reflex Save, use Scholar progression.

(AE page 296, under the heading "Dodge Defence".)
Re: Fire, Lightning and other such damage in regards to armor.

For this sort of thing, I created a damage type I call Primal. Armor typically tends to protect against phsyical impacts, blunting the physical force of an attack. Fire, Ice, Ligtning, these sort of things that attack the very structure of an object itself, breaking it down. Ordinary armor tends to be useless for stopping this so it usually bypasses it, doing damage directly to the target.

Of course, everything has its counter. One of the enchantments I allow to armor is to allow it protect against Primal attacks, which is a popular enchantment among my players...:cool:

Raven, who exploits weaknesses well
Trodax said:
If the creature has a Good Reflex Save, use the barbarian Dodge progression. If Poor Reflex Save, use Scholar progression.

(AE page 296, under the heading "Dodge Defence".)

I suppose that would explain why I wasn't aware of the natural rule, I don't have AE, I bought Pocket instead. I have the 1st print rulebook.