Armageddon 2089 a re-birth?

Best I heard only the first 2 had been written, and you are right, only the first one was ever released, but it was solely responsible for me getting into A:2089.

Spoke to Matt yesterday, looks like IF A:2089 comes back it would be using the Traveller Ruleset.

lastbesthope said:
Best I heard only the first 2 had been written, and you are right, only the first one was ever released, but it was solely responsible for me getting into A:2089.

Spoke to Matt yesterday, looks like IF A:2089 comes back it would be using the Traveller Ruleset.


I'm more interested in the novels at this point, I really enjoy the setting, I actually have never played a game yet of it, though I own the core book, Earth:2089, the armored book and Kazakhstan :)

However i'll buy anything, whether it's novels, or more RPG books.
I own 2 complete sets of the gamebooks and I've never played it either :lol: But the settiong is great and the ruleset crunchy and intriguing to me.

Love to see the novels :)

in terms of a tbale top game to be honest I would also love to see a BattleTech conversion as it is very very similar.....reminded me of the best novels for that system.....

Battletech has always been a storng and effective system.
I didn't like the sound of it moving on to covering all the plaanets in the solar system etc. That was on the cards for any new printing if I recall correctly, but i'm willing to give anything a try.

I didn't think they got to explore enough of the original setting though, so i'd prefer to see more of that, but i'm interested either way.
Were it to move to the other planets I think they would need to shift the timeframe, I haven't given Earth 2089 a proper read through, but the one novel makes mention of orbital space exploration but nothing further than that, though I could see a Moonbase potentially, beyond that I don't think would be viable in 2089.

EDIT: Just skimmed High Frontier, there are some off Earth bases, mainly in some of the LaGrange points in the Earth - Sun and Earth - Moon systems, as well as a moonbase. There either are or are plans for Martian bases, asteroid bases and bases at the Sun-Jupiter LaGrange points.

Yeah I believe they were going to move the timeline forward to accomodate it. I just thought they hadn't explored the current one enough. But i'll buy it if anything comes out either way.

I still really want to read the novels, this thread inspired me to go back and read the first one again actually.