Anyone got Argos & Zingara?

This month's Signs & Portents, #38, has an article on Gladiators of Argos, including game stat rules applicable and character builds (& NPCs) for different gladiator types mentioned in both the Messantia boxed set and Argos & Zingara h/c book. Note that Vincent had posted above that game stats were omitted from his submission for the book and he was told they were going to be submitted in S&P articles, well this it seems is the first such article.

Note this article is written by Tim Bancroft. Get S&P#38 by going here.

as you pointed out, this article is not from Vincent, so I don't know whether it qualifies for being one of Argos & Zingara "deleted scenes".

It is worth reading, anyway. And the stats can come handy for running quick matches for low level groups.
have the book now and it is good could have done with a few more mapa but far better map wise than others not as rich is detail as stygia and a local deatailed map showing all the ruined towns etc would have been very useful 8)