IISS Organizational Chart: Does this make sense?


Cosmic Mongoose
I am doing a deep dive fleshing out and understanding the Scout Service.
I want to keep within 2e canon as much as possible.
I was reading about the service from The Third Imperium pages 38-40.
I really wished I had a chart of the service to understand the branches and divisions so I created one myself.
I have attached here to get feedback if this looks correct or am I missing something from the verbal description.
I took the liberty of running a dotted line connecting the different Security divisions since it is discussed as if it is only one division while the other divisions are described as existing each under its own branch of the service, or so I think per the text.
Thoughts anyone?


In GDW Traveller, it was organised like this, with Communications, Survey and Exploration being extension of the Operations office:

Imperial Scout Services (ISS).png
Source: Classic Traveller Book 6: Scouts, page 7.
In case you're interested, LBB #6 has an org chart for the Scouts in it. No reason to be bound to it if you don't want to be, of course.
The World Builder's Handbook has a similar org chart. You may also want to look at other sections of the World Builder's handbook for your inspiration, it has a chapter for "IISS Overview" to broadly sketch the organization, and then includes an "IISS Procedural" section at the end of each chapter to suggest how the IISS looks at / reports those aspects of a system/world.


The World Builder's Handbook has a similar org chart. You may also want to look at other sections of the World Builder's handbook for your inspiration, it has a chapter for "IISS Overview" to broadly sketch the organization, and then includes an "IISS Procedural" section at the end of each chapter to suggest how the IISS looks at / reports those aspects of a system/world.
That is faithful to the original plus easily more textual detail :)
The World Builder's Handbook has a similar org chart. You may also want to look at other sections of the World Builder's handbook for your inspiration, it has a chapter for "IISS Overview" to broadly sketch the organization, and then includes an "IISS Procedural" section at the end of each chapter to suggest how the IISS looks at / reports those aspects of a system/world.
That one should be okay... I made a clone of the Book 6 thing and then the Art Department got ahold of it. My original one looked more '80s style, like this:

The World Builder's Handbook has a similar org chart. You may also want to look at other sections of the World Builder's handbook for your inspiration, it has a chapter for "IISS Overview" to broadly sketch the organization, and then includes an "IISS Procedural" section at the end of each chapter to suggest how the IISS looks at / reports those aspects of a system/world.
Thanks for this! I will probably run with this instead of the simple one I made. I didn't think to check the WBH!
Something to understand about the Scouts is that they're the Imperium's odd-job grab-bag people. Ship crews cross branch lines all the time, especially between Exploration and IGS [the Explorer and Survey branches]. Because of the vital [but admittedly boring] work of the Courier office, those guys are usually kept pretty on-task.
But if the Imperium has a job that requires a gentler hand than Naval Intelligence or needs a scientific assessment, the Scouts get the job. They're everywhere, doing a little bit of everything, and they're one of the adhesives that holds the Imperium together.
Originally, a science fiction trope.

Never went Space Patrol, but seems to have partially evolved into the Pony Express and the Coast Guard.