Any examples of any Orbital Manufacturing Plant designs?

Limpin Legin

Cosmic Mongoose
Orbital manufacturing facilities are examples of Space Stations in [HG24, pg67]. Any examples of these vessels available in published literature (preferably MgT 2e)?
How about the 5000t mining station from CT Beltstrike?

"Mining Platform type US): using a 5000-ton hill, the mining plat form is a non-starship intended for resource exploitation operations.
It has no jump drive, but mounts maneuver drive-W and power plant-W, giving a performance of 1-G acceleration. Fuel tankage of 1,700 tons supports prolonged independent operations by the ship and its support vessels and vehicles. Adjacent to the bridge is a computer Model/5 . There are 175 staterooms and no low berths. The ship has 50 hardpoints, and mounts 50 single turrets fitted with pulse lasers used for mining; 50 tons are allocated for fire control.
There are fourteen ship's vehicles: one shuttle, one launch, two pinnaces. and ten prospecting buggies. Up to ten 100-ton seekers can also be accommodated on board. Cargo capacity is 30 tons, a 25-ton mass driver system and a 400 ton processing bay are also installed. The hull is streamlined.
The mining platform requires a crew of seven far interplanetary travel (pilot, navigator, three engineers, two medics): it also carries ten administrative and management personnel, and 132 workers, technicians. boat crewmen. and others. Quarters for I75
are provided, allowing 36 passengers (crewmen from the seekers, company officials, etc.). The ship does not engage in commercial passenger service. The mining platform costs MCr1330.7 (including the 1% naval architect's fee, but not including costs for ten seekers, which are optional) and takes 36 months to build.
Mining platforms are transported from one system to another in bulk carriers. Once they arrive in a system, they usually remain there for the rest of their useful service life, and are eventually sold to interested parties or broken up for spares and scrap."
Is that Koenig's Rock?

I guess what is missing from my original question, is about having some sort of design philosophy or guideline as to how to create such a vessel. I don't have any clues on what to directly include on the vessel, and what to leave off and implement elsewhere.. I mean, should they be designed around a floating city idea, or maybe just minimally designed for a few crew cabins and manufacturing facilities? 'Manufacturing facilities' suggests a lot of storage for raw materials and finished product storage, as well as Work in Progress (WIP).
I mean, should they be designed around a floating city idea, or maybe just minimally designed for a few crew cabins and manufacturing facilities? 'Manufacturing facilities' suggests a lot of storage for raw materials and finished product storage, as well as Work in Progress (WIP).
Yes. They should. All of those.
You go where the money is.

Imagine, a steampunk version of Sheffield, just floating to a colonial mining area, I think any number in Australia, and once those are exhausted, Brazilian and African.
Colonies in Space by T.A. Heppenheimer has got several proposed designs for asteroid refining and manufacturing facilities. Below is a link to the book on the NSS website.

There is also the Atomic Rockets website, but it is easy to get sucked in there for hours. Link below.
