Ahem.. Sideline Cannon (MKII and official, GM choosing)


Hello one and all, this page is intended to keep you all up to date on official cannon activities from a group of english players who piled in to the open day a while back, other than meeting the lovely claudia, palladin, and a nutty guy from schotland we came from the day with a little task, and so i'm here as the spokes person (see, this is why i play the agent Diplomat, i get tasks and handle them diplomatically!) ^_^

Over the coming months i hope to get you all up to speed on activities that mongoose said we could make cannon, so that you all can use them in your campaigns worldwide..

I will first have to give you a list of the campaign members then a little bit of information about each, so you get a feel for the nutty Gloucester Babylon 5 entourage!
First player under the spotlight:
Serenn, of the house of Mia, of the Windsword Clan.
(dont try formally introducing him drunk!)
Race: Minbari
Class(es): Agent (4), Diplomat (4) Officer (1)
Description, Serenn is alot like Delenn, although his Father's heritage shows strongly, he has silver eyes, an odd duo crested crest, and is rather Charismatic (14) he is the capain of the party, skilled at leading from the deck of the narn minbari ship specialy built for their mission, he is also just at home behind the controls of his flyer and Nial.
He was born technically clanless, adopted fully into the Religious cast so that he could studdy his skills, he however proved himself adept at adapting to most circumstances, meaning his skills have had to branch out in multiple directions to bring the party he travels with towards a unified anti pirate force that can do any mission.
he is the windsword clans main anchor.. although, that is more towards later plot devices as at present he is reclaiming lost and stolen artifacts from around the universe.
He seems very quiet and odd, prefering to be with his ships or own kind rather than mingling with his crew, but they are safe in the knowledge that when trouble arises, Serenn and his Den'Bok will be around the corner to help them.
Serenn said:
Hello one and all, this page is intended to keep you all up to date on official cannon activities from a group of english players who piled in to the open day a while back, other than meeting the lovely claudia, palladin, and a nutty guy from schotland

That would be me, and unless you're from certain foreign climes, there is no 'h' in Scotland :lol:

Why is this posted twice? And why would something from a Game Day be cannon for the rest of us? Wouldn't that just be more of a 'story hour' sort of thing?
KaosDevice said:
Why is this posted twice? And why would something from a Game Day be cannon for the rest of us? Wouldn't that just be more of a 'story hour' sort of thing?

One of the threads originated in the ACTA forum and appears to have been moved. Apologies for the Game Day references, we're just saying hi.

ahem, Erata already >_< Serenn's levels are as follows : Agent 3, Diplomat 2, Officer 1,

And as to why it is cannon, ask the books writer and my GM, August and 'Shifty' as we lovingly call our GM got talking, and things happened, So now the adventures of Serenn are going to end up being here for all of you to enjoy.. (Especially if my GM can be bothered to come here and do his job!)
Serenn said:
ahem, Erata already >_< Serenn's levels are as follows : Agent 3, Diplomat 2, Officer 1,

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yeah.. gotta love Shifty. >_< to follow soon (i hope) i will put up the full campeign as its happening for you all.. including time stams.. as we are now about to click into episode one.. starting from level 7... this should be interesting if nothing else...

if one thing i have learned, it is the longer you play this game, the more you wish you could have the actors on hand to rp themselves.. shifty does an AWFULL impression of Ivonova.. but then.. she is unique, sexy.. and.. *wipes the drool from LBH's mouth* need i say more?