adventure help...Shadows over Zamboula


I recently ran my group through an adaptation of Shadows over Zamboula. Things went well, and by the end of the night the players were in possession of the Star of Korsala(sp?). The party is aware that the Queen of Ophir will pay a 'room full of gold' for the Star's return and plan on cashing in.

Now the question is, where would YOU go from here? Glancing at the map, they are a long way from Ophir, a lot can happen. Who else might be after the Star? Even if they get there, will the Queen pay up? What sort of complications could arise?

Your input is appreciated!
I would just assume it got lost between adventures and start the next session wherever and without the item. Maybe they got their gold (and spent it), maybe they didn't.

If you want to see how L. Sprague de Camp handled it, he wrote a sequel to Shadows in Zamboula called The Star of Khorala.
Maybe a powerful scholar is after the Star and hounds their every step
Maybe their way to Ophir is blocked by two battling armies and they somehow get involved.
Maybe it is stolen from under their noses by a "King of Thieves".
Maybe an Ophirian noble gets wind of their prize and decides to somehow take it from them, so he may win the princess's favor.
If you want to see how L. Sprague de Camp handled it, he wrote a sequel to Shadows in Zamboula called The Star of Khorala.

You seem familar with the story, any chance you can give me the abbreviated version?

Maybe a powerful scholar is after the Star and hounds their every step

Maybe an Ophirian noble gets wind of their prize and decides to somehow take it from them, so he may win the princess's favor.
Both of these options sound good. I like throwing multiple problems at my players. Maybe they could find a way to work the two parties against one another.