We've mentioned adding advantages and disadvantages/flaws/faults to the runequest game. But I really don't have anybody to discuss what is a fair hero point cost/gain for a given advantage/disadvantage. I was hoping for a thread where we could discuss such things.
My campaign rules allows the following means to buy advantages:
* During character generation, players roll an "Advantages" "Pseudo-Characteristic" using 4d6 drop the lowest. This is the number of points they have to buy advantages at character creation. The Pseudo-Characteristics can be swapped with the characteristics, except for Size and Age, to build the type of character desired.
* Hero points can be spent on advantages, as long as there is some explanation for this (the character gets special training, etc).
* Disadvantages may be taken to earn hero points, which may be used to buy advantages. Any disadvantages also need to be explained.
A few advantages and disadvantages I've listed so far. I'd appreciate any feedback. I've left off the ones that have been discussed in other threads.
CPR Training (2 point advantage) You are able to administer CPR with a successful First Aid skill roll.
Expanded Intellect (varies) Advanced concepts come easy to you. This advantage can only be taken at character creation and can not be improved after the character is brought into play.
Each advantage point spent buys one level of Expanded Intellect. When making an improvement roll to raise a skill, you can add your Expanded Intellect to your die roll, making it more likely that you will get to roll for an increase.
Extraordinary Attractiveness (3 point advantage) You are extraordinarily attractive, gaining a +20% bonus to certain skill rolls. This advantage may be taken multiple times, and the bonus stacks.
Photographic Memory (5 point advantage) Your memory skills are practically unique in this world, since true photographic memory is believed to be impossible. If you concentrate on a scene, you will be able to remember every detail at any time in the future. Even if you haven’t concentrated on the scene, you can make a Memory skill roll and if you succeed, then you have enough details to reconstruct the scene in complete detail, without having to make a Memory skill roll for each detail.
Rapid Calculator (5 point advantage) You can calculate mathematic problems very rapidly and accurately. A calculation that would take other people minutes and require the use of pencil and paper, you can do in your head in seconds.
Skill Talent (5 point advantage) You have a talent for picking up a certain skill. When you make an Improvement Roll, you can roll d10 to determine how many skill points you gain when you fail the skill roll. If you spent a Hero Point for the roll, you gain 1D3 points if you succeed the skill roll.
Virtuous (3 point advantage) You have a strong code of honor that sustains you in times of weakness. You are assumed to always follow your code of honor. If you specify otherwise, you lose the benefits of this advantage but don’t get your points back.
You get a 30% bonus to any Persistence or other die rolls to avoid being forced to violate your code of honor.
My campaign rules allows the following means to buy advantages:
* During character generation, players roll an "Advantages" "Pseudo-Characteristic" using 4d6 drop the lowest. This is the number of points they have to buy advantages at character creation. The Pseudo-Characteristics can be swapped with the characteristics, except for Size and Age, to build the type of character desired.
* Hero points can be spent on advantages, as long as there is some explanation for this (the character gets special training, etc).
* Disadvantages may be taken to earn hero points, which may be used to buy advantages. Any disadvantages also need to be explained.
A few advantages and disadvantages I've listed so far. I'd appreciate any feedback. I've left off the ones that have been discussed in other threads.
CPR Training (2 point advantage) You are able to administer CPR with a successful First Aid skill roll.
Expanded Intellect (varies) Advanced concepts come easy to you. This advantage can only be taken at character creation and can not be improved after the character is brought into play.
Each advantage point spent buys one level of Expanded Intellect. When making an improvement roll to raise a skill, you can add your Expanded Intellect to your die roll, making it more likely that you will get to roll for an increase.
Extraordinary Attractiveness (3 point advantage) You are extraordinarily attractive, gaining a +20% bonus to certain skill rolls. This advantage may be taken multiple times, and the bonus stacks.
Photographic Memory (5 point advantage) Your memory skills are practically unique in this world, since true photographic memory is believed to be impossible. If you concentrate on a scene, you will be able to remember every detail at any time in the future. Even if you haven’t concentrated on the scene, you can make a Memory skill roll and if you succeed, then you have enough details to reconstruct the scene in complete detail, without having to make a Memory skill roll for each detail.
Rapid Calculator (5 point advantage) You can calculate mathematic problems very rapidly and accurately. A calculation that would take other people minutes and require the use of pencil and paper, you can do in your head in seconds.
Skill Talent (5 point advantage) You have a talent for picking up a certain skill. When you make an Improvement Roll, you can roll d10 to determine how many skill points you gain when you fail the skill roll. If you spent a Hero Point for the roll, you gain 1D3 points if you succeed the skill roll.
Virtuous (3 point advantage) You have a strong code of honor that sustains you in times of weakness. You are assumed to always follow your code of honor. If you specify otherwise, you lose the benefits of this advantage but don’t get your points back.
You get a 30% bonus to any Persistence or other die rolls to avoid being forced to violate your code of honor.