A New Mega-City One (Opinions Wanted)

I have to say tho really the Metal judges models they produced for GMC-1 really were bad, even the old GW ones looked better, One of the 3 Street Judges you could get looked like a Duck.

Imo Foundry have the best looking JD models out there, and i really think you need to produce models looking as good as that, or get them to produce the models i know thats probably not ideal, but they are gorgeous models.

The only good judge Mongoose made was the Dredd model, but he looked to static, and slightly camp, and i think he was smiling. I really think the models need to be top notch.

As for the game i though GMC-1 was good i like the fact that it was balanced, but playing the judges part time seams to take away from the who JD universe.

I have no idea how you could turn it into a miniature game, I like the idea of scenarios and people working together, but surly thats bordering on a rpg, and using board sections borders more on a board game.
I really want to know whats going on with this.
I wanted to playtest it, but the forum wouldn't let me sign on for some odd reason.
Jamescuk said:
Foundry have the best looking JD models out there, and i really think you need to produce models looking as good as that, or get them to produce the models i know thats probably not ideal, but they are gorgeous models.

Totally agree the Foundry JD range are top notch sculpts.
Kickaha said:
Jamescuk said:
Foundry have the best looking JD models out there, and i really think you need to produce models looking as good as that, or get them to produce the models i know thats probably not ideal, but they are gorgeous models.

Totally agree the Foundry JD range are top notch sculpts.

I just bagged the lot for Xmas, I do love em.

I think GOMC1 did what it set out to do, it was gang warfare in MC1, no wrongs there. However I would like to see a new game feature more in the way of Judges, famouse Perps (imagine tracking Mean Machine thru the cursed earth) and other strangeness such as mutants etc. I also think it should include the whole dredd world not just MC1 so that players can set there games wherever suits the there particular game.

Rules wise I would lean toward a comic style roleplay (GOMC1 was good but a bit clunky) with players able to create rosters of punks/mutants or Judges and include famouse characters in higher point sessions, if they accumulate enough to recruit them onto there roster or just hire them for a single mission (blood bowl star player style) to make up for a lower points/strength gang.

I think some special dice (again blood bowls style but maybe different for each faction) would be cool to intergrate. For example judges have a set of dice that determine the outcomes of there actions (using lawgivers etc) while mutants may have another set that determine there actions. The dice could feature simple disigns that each give quick clear information to the player as soon as he rolls them, so there is no need to refer to charts or add up numbers and compare stats. You just look at what dice you need to roll for your active model and roll them.

By the way, once again I expect royalties for these ideas of mine ;)
Mr_Scream said:
Kickaha said:
Jamescuk said:
Foundry have the best looking JD models out there, and i really think you need to produce models looking as good as that, or get them to produce the models i know thats probably not ideal, but they are gorgeous models.

Totally agree the Foundry JD range are top notch sculpts.

I just bagged the lot for Xmas, I do love em.

I think GOMC1 did what it set out to do, it was gang warfare in MC1, no wrongs there. However I would like to see a new game feature more in the way of Judges, famouse Perps (imagine tracking Mean Machine thru the cursed earth) and other strangeness such as mutants etc. I also think it should include the whole dredd world not just MC1 so that players can set there games wherever suits the there particular game.

Rules wise I would lean toward a comic style roleplay (GOMC1 was good but a bit clunky) with players able to create rosters of punks/mutants or Judges and include famouse characters in higher point sessions, if they accumulate enough to recruit them onto there roster or just hire them for a single mission (blood bowl star player style) to make up for a lower points/strength gang.

I think some special dice (again blood bowls style but maybe different for each faction) would be cool to intergrate. For example judges have a set of dice that determine the outcomes of there actions (using lawgivers etc) while mutants may have another set that determine there actions. The dice could feature simple disigns that each give quick clear information to the player as soon as he rolls them, so there is no need to refer to charts or add up numbers and compare stats. You just look at what dice you need to roll for your active model and roll them.

By the way, once again I expect royalties for these ideas of mine ;)

Cool re your Foundry purchase.

I have been working on a small JD diorama on and off for some time incorporating a Foundry Death mini. Hoping to find time to complete it over Christmas.

Some nice ideas there.
I'd like to see a new game, that is brilliantly presented and thoroughly thought about.

Not a simple version of Necromunda...

I really enjoyed GOMC1, but it really did need redoing. I agree with the ideas you guys have had. Characters have always been important in JD, old ones and new ones. They make the whole setting!

I mentioned many years ago, that a £50 boxed set could consist of a fold out board (considerably bigger than the old one), on thick cardboard (like actual boardgames come on). It should also have some cardstock buildings with plastic frontages (similar to 'munda, but in a dredd style) and perhaps some plastic pieces of scenery, smashed up cars, piles of rubble, trash, stuff like that. Plus a unit of Judges and some gangers.

They could do it in scenario boxes, so they could start with 'Death on the streets' which would be street level, then cursed earth (mutants and stuff) and the apocalypse war, allowing for bigger games.
Each set could be a new board (or add on) and the rules to use a new line of seperate miniatures. Coming in at 20-30 pounds, depending on size.

Those are only my thoughts though. And that's based on the idea of GOMC1. How I understand it, the new system will be very different from that. But that's just my tuppence.

One can dream.
Rob_A said:
I'd like to see a new game, that is brilliantly presented and thoroughly thought about.

Not a simple version of Necromunda...

I really enjoyed GOMC1, but it really did need redoing. I agree with the ideas you guys have had. Characters have always been important in JD, old ones and new ones. They make the whole setting!

I mentioned many years ago, that a £50 boxed set could consist of a fold out board (considerably bigger than the old one), on thick cardboard (like actual boardgames come on). It should also have some cardstock buildings with plastic frontages (similar to 'munda, but in a dredd style) and perhaps some plastic pieces of scenery, smashed up cars, piles of rubble, trash, stuff like that. Plus a unit of Judges and some gangers.

They could do it in scenario boxes, so they could start with 'Death on the streets' which would be street level, then cursed earth (mutants and stuff) and the apocalypse war, allowing for bigger games.
Each set could be a new board (or add on) and the rules to use a new line of seperate miniatures. Coming in at 20-30 pounds, depending on size.

Those are only my thoughts though. And that's based on the idea of GOMC1. How I understand it, the new system will be very different from that. But that's just my tuppence.

One can dream.

I love the idea of expantion boxes for different setting but weather its feasable for a company like Mongoose to produce (it sounds more like something fantasy flight would do) is doubtfull. Even my idea for special dice would probably be pushing production costs. I think box sets would be great if used for special Campaigns (dependeing on how well the initial game does)

I would be happy to see all the rules in one hardback tombe and then have box sets of gangs/judges produced with blister add ons. The starter boxes could include all the dice/tokens needed for that gang.

Thinking about Campaigns as well as the cursed earth and other well known setting I would love to see some of the lesser explored areas given attention such as Atlantis and Brit Cit.

Different Judges from different citis would be cool to (sov judges, britt cit, texas, aus) They could all have a similar profile but have access to different wepons and skills.
I found the system and rules of GOMC1 perfect, i'm not much of a wargamer, I got into GMOC1 just through it being Dredd related. I've found in the past when ive tried wargames that they get bogged down with too many rules, GOMC1 was perfect, but i agree, lack of playing judges would be off putting.

I wrote up a whole heap of rules, that could of been a game in itself, or maybe an expansion to GOMC1 at the same time i wrote up the Trans-Dime rules, which allowed the players to create a cadet squad. We ran these as well as our campaign, then we started to combine the too, and they were well balanced, in fact we didn't see any problems at all. The Concept was you had a small team of cadet judges and cadet PSI judges lead by a cadet leader, it worked the same as a normal gang. You had "beats" that acted like turf and could get new skills, as well as this you also were able to gain licences which allowed you to up grade weapons, everyone started off with a cadet lawmaster, rather than the more powerful version. Your cadet judges then grew and you could tailor them the way you please, getting them skills that could make them all rounders, tech judges,med judges etc. There were also rough designs for "specialist" judges that were judges from other places.

As with the judges in GOMC1 judges had to try and arrest you before they could attack you. Theyre were rules for judge squads to go rogue, allowing them to act more like a normal gang, you had to roll for each piece of equipment each cadet had and that ws how many games worth of ammo you had left. They worked really nicely.

I also made up rules for the more odd games, like an attack by the Dark Judges, using the Heroclix minis. I made rules up for a gang having get out of a building while be pursued by Judge Death and another gang having to get all the patrons of a turf they owned out while Judge Fire was on the loose. They were real fun.

Personally i think things like that, that gave the game more of a "Dredd" feel were needed more than a whole new game system. A bit more publicity in the likes of 2000AD, i think i only saw the odd advert in the Megazine, and a new box for the game with some sturdier terrain and possible nice minis would of been spot on, although Munces Burger Bar was the center of our fast food war campaign.
I agree with you, GMAN. Scenario-building would have been a great way to go.

Heck, it makes me want to write up those other rules I'd brewed, for swapping purposes, if not publication.

Transdimes are a favourite of one of my players: His gang were obsessive Amazonian gardeners (from Charlie Dimmock Block) so the summoned beings were variously floral. I always meant to make rules for variations in the summoned creatures: keep the behaviour, but have eg. a summoned swarm of tiny biting things, or a smaller, faster, more fragile critter, etc... and Transdimes could get access to a new summoned critter instead of a trait..

I always meant to make rules for variations in the summoned creatures

Thats a really good idea. I've been thinking about GOMC1 a lot recently, especially now our Bloog Bowl leagues been quite recently. I'm going to have to dig out my old notes and seen what i'd written up and meant to finish off and see what needs tidying up.

Are submissions for GOMC1 still accepted for S&P? I know theres probably a lot of goings on behind the scenes for the new Dredd game but it'd be a shame not to support gangs if theres enough people wanting to still play it.
The new rules that was playtested was much better then the old and more scopr, but its on hold at the moment for something else...?

But the basic playtest rules was much better, and would work brill as a new ww2/modern evo...

Still waiting for updates