Core Update 22 Rules Clarification: How does the DM for the "SMART" trait make sense versus unpowered armor?


Cosmic Mongoose
How does the DM for the "SMART" trait make sense versus unpowered armor? (see page 79)

As read, this would mean that TL 10 guided ammunition (from the CSCu23 p179), which gives the "smart" trait) would only have a DM +1 versus TL10 Cloth armor.

Follow up; if a target humanoid is not wearing armor, do they default to TL0 and thus the DM would be DM+6 for the attack?

Guided ammunition is 6 times the cost in Cr, so I could see that being the case. My thinking is that only powered combat armor, armor that might have ECM against the smart feature of the ammunition should qualify as possibly reducing the DM from +6 down toward the minimum of +1.

What say you all?
No reason why cloth at TL10 wouldn't have some sort of smart fabric, but for unarmoured, DM+6. Cloth would be an edge case that could go either way, but something like combat armour or poly carapace wouldn't be powered, but would get the TL difference defense.
(I'm sure your other questions make sense too, but it's way past my bedtime... and I had a little drink just an hour ago and it went straight to my head, so no more answers tonight)
How does the DM for the "SMART" trait make sense versus unpowered armor? (see page 79)

As read, this would mean that TL 10 guided ammunition (from the CSCu23 p179), which gives the "smart" trait) would only have a DM +1 versus TL10 Cloth armor.

By the text any object (incl. armour) gets the benefit.

As a Referee you can of course overrule anything you don't like.
Rules primarily exist to balance the game, not actually make hard science sence. As a GM, you can modify or ignore any rule you want to. Just be consistent.