2nd edition character sheet : 2 page missing




the page 3 and 4 have disseapeared from the character sheet, is this normal or a Shadow Attack ?
It was fine when I downloaded it a few months back.

If you keep having trouble PM me with your e-mail and I'll mail the 4 sheet one out to you.


EDIT : the 2 page sheet also seems to be 'fuzzier' than the 4 page one.

lastbesthope said:
It was fine when I downloaded it a few months back.

If you keep having trouble PM me with your e-mail and I'll mail the 4 sheet one out to you.
I have it....at work, i will send it home too.

EDIT : the 2 page sheet also seems to be 'fuzzier' than the 4 page one.

what do you mean by "fuzzier" ?
Fuzzier, i.e. more fuzzy :lol:

But seriously, open the two different files and compare them. The lettering and artwork is not as sharp or well defined on the 2 page version.

Chernobyl said:
have you tried my fan-made character sheet?


I actually use your character sheets (and the NPC sheets) and find them much better than the "official" one!

Nice work!
Chernobyl have you made a four page sheet? I much prefer yours, but I have a player that liked the other one.

They ARE fuzzier... More fuzzy... Yes. That's it... :lol:
Chernobyl said:
no I haven't done a 4 page sheet...what would need to be added for a sheet 3 and 4? any ideas?

I cannot se the differences between 1 and 1.5 (the two versions of your sheet), what are they ?
Well, telepathy is a feat, so by default it would be there. I agree that maybe a more prominent location would be nice given its nature, but honestly I hadn't thought about it when making the sheet.
Now I haven't played yet but in reading the Teep chapter, it seems that all the Teep powers are available to anyone, so long as they have the P-rating and the hit points to spare in some cases. maybe what's needed is a reference sheet for Telepathic powers? its a few pages that could use condensing, probably. any volunteers?
