10 Sagg fleet, Mythbusted?

Tank wrote:
Just to put the record straight I said that I didnt expect the EA fleet to win against a centauri fleet of 2 octurions & 1 Primus.

Whoops, my mistake! :oops:

Tank wrote:
The other thing that I think people seem to be missing is the fact that if you look at the series The Minbari are the mosts advanced race, then the centauri, then the Narn, then EA then the league (kinda). Realistically speaking an Omega should not be as good as a Primus but it should be in the same priority level as it is the main ship of the line.

Its a drawback of the game ships in the same priority are not for the most part equal to each other but they are appropriate to that PL for their race.

And there is the essence of the debate. What you're describing isn't a Wargame. What you're describing is a Role-playing Game that happens to use miniatures.

Per your statement, the game is currently balanced for fluff, not for actual game play.

I also play the game for fun, and frankly can't stand the uber-competitive players, but I also believe that the game should provide a mechanism for determing two fleets of roughly equal ability. If the PL system wasn't intended to do just that, why have tournaments or campaigns when you already know that, if we all get an equal number of points, some fleets will be intrinsically stronger than others, regardless of how the players construct their fleets?
What B5Freak said!

Right now the PL system is being forced to do double duty. It reflexs the role of a ship in its fleet, and its relative power comapred to other ships in the game system. These two things need to be seperated in some way so that a larger proportion of the player base can accurately play the game they want to play. Whether that is a simulation of an event in B5 or a tactical challenge between equal fleets where it all comes down to player skill.

The rpg/simulation side of the pl suffers from a lack of 'rarity' in its specialty ships. Sure you saw fifty odd whitestars in a confrontation, but fifty sags? The PL system tells you to some degree what level of conflict is going to be allocated what level of ships. ie you don't assign the Montana to coast guard anti-piracy dut, but it does not tell you how many specialists are assigned to each action ie do you send twenty AWACs on a single shortie over Baghdad.

On the power scaling it fails in many ways. Primus and Terius are the same as each other and an Omega. These ships clearly are not equal and yet you are forced to play as if they are.

Wow...just noticed I was off on a rant again...moving on...

Thank you, B5freak! I think I have mentioned this as well, and am glad to see that others have reached the same conclusion.

Mongoose should pick one of the two, and leave be. I prefer Priority as a balance mechanic for determining fleets of equal tactical value, not of equal fictional fluff. This is a game, and games are better off with balance. This ain't a TV simulation.

If it was, we'd do a lot of 'I win' games. You chose the Minbari? Then you win!

How satisfying was that victory? Hmm? Not very you say?

No duh. And just think how fun it was to be on the other side of it.
well, initially the game was only intended to let you fight battles taking place in the RPG. They didn't expect this level of popularity. (the fools! :lol: )

just kidding!

I can see where you're coming from but everyone seems to be looking at this as a one on one thing, its not supposed to be.

a well balanced fleet of equal points should have a chance against another fleet of the same points, ok cheese fleets excepted, and in the games I've played they have.

ANd before andyone quotes stats at me please please please bear in mind its a dice game, random luck, completely random, yes i know that there are probabilities but its still random!!!
Indeed, luck IS a factor. Last sunday, my measly Thetys Missile Boat survived a salvo from 4(!!!) White Stars, and even though crippled and skelteoned (it was at 2 / 1 ) it unleashed his missiles in response and blew a WS out of the sky...

Tactics? Is the Thetys overpowered or the WS underpowered? Frak no...
Yup lady luck, the fickle wench, mostly against me but with me in a groovy way last sunday as my Artemis decrewed a Tinashi in 1 volley, the only good dice rolling for my fleet happened with my Artemis. :lol:
Tank said:
Yup lady luck, the fickle wench, mostly against me but with me in a groovy way last sunday as my Artemis decrewed a Tinashi in 1 volley, the only good dice rolling for my fleet happened with my Artemis. :lol:
I'm still finding your dice embedded in my garden...
Thats about the 5th game running where my Battle level ship gets taken out, from undamaged, by a Raid or Skirmish ship in 1 volley.
Well if you suddenly find a dice bush sprouting in your garden I'd root it out and destroy it as all the dice on it will be cursed or possibly show only 1's :lol:
I've seen worse. Warlock emerges from hyperspace with a triumphant roar, fires all its guns at a strike carrier.

2 damage, 2 crew lost. That's it.

Strike carrier fires its starboard pulse cannons and inflicts 3 hits, 1 gets through the interceptors and inflicts the critical of the beast (6-6-6)

slightly smug strike cruiser continues on.
Hah! Is that the best you can do??? :lol:

1 puir wee Artemis knows its gonna get fragged by a big ole Shadow Ship in this turns fire, APE's to get right next to said spidery vessel and unleashes a devastting salvo doing something like 50 pooints damage.

Shadow vessel with no one else to fire at decides to crush the puny Artemis and unleashes a devastating salvo that fails to kill Artemis, it did get skeletoned tho. Yup those 5 dice of triple damage were really scary :lol: Unfortunately my Artemis couldnt stop and so fell off the board in the next rounds movement :lol:
Back in the original box set I was playing the League vs an Ea player, 5pt Battle. By the end of round two I had managed to crit an olympus to atoms, a Hyperion to decrewed, 2 Omegas to near uselessness, and killed a Warlock with my lowly (raid at the time) Avioki. I then felt sorry for the guy and let him retreat.