prelude_to_war said:I don't think it was faked, rather the Sag fleet doesn't seem like it was played to the best of its ability. If done so, I think it will regularly come out against any opponent.Nightmares about Minbari said:Also, sure there wouldn't be any point going to this much trouble to 'fake' a myth bust, which seams to be what someone was implying...
Next time the Sag emphasis should be placed on outmaneuvering the lone vorlon ship (after the destroyer is taken out) so it cannot fire back - or at least is very limited in its choice of available targets. Seeing all the Sags in the forward arc of the Cruiser just looks too good to be true from the Vorlon player's perspective. Trust me :wink:
No matter where you put them, the Vorlon wins. The Vorlon kills 4 saggs, and jumps off the Table. Its a Victory everytime for the Vorlons, the Math favours the Vorlon. You would have to do 400 points of damage over 3-4 turns. If you have not, the Vorlon wins in turn 4 or 5