YEAH!! i can be the first to really bitch about something here!
Ok here we go
sence i left my book at work u ppl will have to bare with me ppl
In Cybernegitcs it talkes about the armored Plating it adds to your Defence rating not DR...Mistake? (and im not sure if its called Armored plating...its in external'll see it...Armor something)
Ok...heres another
I have a er....automatic gun and the rounds are explosove tipped... and Im hitting 3 guys in a 10 by 10 much extra damage am i doing to them cus explosive tipped deals +1d6 per shot many shots hit each person?
Ammo for Rocket Brace?
Er...thats all I can think of at the moment...there was another but when I called Wizards of the Cost about it they had no clue and told me to email them...but i'll give u that one as well...
If im doing autofire and i score a crit hit what happens? Do i do dubble damage to all within the area? do they get no save? to me it seems like autofire is just to inaccrit to get a crit hit on.
but yea....sry for all the spelling sick...and to lazy to spell check...
Ok here we go
sence i left my book at work u ppl will have to bare with me ppl
In Cybernegitcs it talkes about the armored Plating it adds to your Defence rating not DR...Mistake? (and im not sure if its called Armored plating...its in external'll see it...Armor something)
Ok...heres another
I have a er....automatic gun and the rounds are explosove tipped... and Im hitting 3 guys in a 10 by 10 much extra damage am i doing to them cus explosive tipped deals +1d6 per shot many shots hit each person?
Ammo for Rocket Brace?
Er...thats all I can think of at the moment...there was another but when I called Wizards of the Cost about it they had no clue and told me to email them...but i'll give u that one as well...
If im doing autofire and i score a crit hit what happens? Do i do dubble damage to all within the area? do they get no save? to me it seems like autofire is just to inaccrit to get a crit hit on.
but yea....sry for all the spelling sick...and to lazy to spell check...