Would a far/free trader ever use missiles?

Question for the thread.

If a target merchant ship sets itself into a tumble or spin, how would a pirate take its cargo or board it?
Still under power? Weapons fire until it is no longer under power.
No longer under power? Piloting check to match the tumble/get the two in orbit, and if that isn't enough, send boarders across on a grav vehicle at the axis of spin or in suits with magnetic clamps.

Also, a hauler net or tow cable could be employed to get it under control.
Perhaps drones, networked to operate in unison, which would grapple or magnetically clamp the target, and then use their gravitic drives to stabilize the target.
Question for the thread.

If a target merchant ship sets itself into a tumble or spin, how would a pirate take its cargo or board it?
Tell them to stop messing about and if they are sick that they'll be cleaning it up. Fire on the cargo doors, catch the cargo as centripetal force throws it out.

But yes as Arkathan says home on in the centre of rotation.
Shush, we are not allowed to ask questions like that. Assault pods just work, assault docking tubes just work.
Maybe they have a free rotating clamp and external door after the first door of the airlock at the business end. You could then "just" clamp on at the centre of rotation and carefully float in zero-g from your non-rotating airlock through the rotating external door. The rotating linkage might start leaking after a bit, but as long as you degas the air lock when not in use and give it plenty of space-lube, it should work when you need it.

Some ships use rotational gravity, where only parts of the ship rotate, so this shouldn't be impossible.
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Quick question, kind of related:

Is Evade/ software in addition to the evasive bonus of a pilot?

Example: I have evade/2 and a pilot skill of 3. Is the negative DM modifier to the attacker -5?

In the game I've been running the last few years, the players have a Far Trader with one laser and one missile turret.

I can ABSOLUTELY report that without the option to fire missiles they would have been space dust a very long time ago. Yes, firing them is a big hit on the profits. But it's a far lesser hit than losing the entire ship, or taking so much damage from a laser duel of attrition that they need major repairs, especially if the ship is laid up for an extended time.

Evade's effect applies regardless of whether the Pilot is taking Evasive action, so they stack.

Essentially, Evade is making constant small, random thrusts, the details of which are passed on to the gunnery and piloting systems of the ship so they aren't affected. Evasive action is using full thrust points under the direction of the pilot against specific attackers to degrade their firing solution (though again, the gunnery system is aware of things and can cope).
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Concur. They stack.
Evade works against every attack.
Evasive action expends thrust and only works against a single attack AND detracts from the next piloting skill roll (this turn or next turn) because it is a reaction.
I can ABSOLUTELY report that without the option to fire missiles they would have been space dust a very long time ago. Yes, firing them is a big hit on the profits. But it's a far lesser hit than losing the entire ship, or taking so much damage from a laser duel of attrition that they need major repairs, especially if the ship is laid up for an extended time.
Who attacking them long range? Certainly not pirates they want to be in close long before a merchant knows they are pirates. Pirates want to be close enough to board and get their stolen goods fast and be gone. They don’t want to blow up the merchant ship because than they are likely to loss valuable goods. Truthfully the main weapon on every pirate ship should be an ion barbette with high yield 7d x 3 that’s a loss of 21 to 126 points of power and shuts down just about any merchant ship.
It wasn't long range fighting, but medium range. In one case it was convoy that was ambushed by Zho and other ships were involved; in another they were jumped by a bounty hunter that was after them that caught up with them while they were refuelling from a gas giant. Bounty was dead or alive, so they weren't too fussed, although yes, they were trying to capture, using an Ion weapon.

In both cases the enemy controlled the range and wanted to close. there was a lot of laser fire, but the deciding factor of both fights that caused the other ship to break off and run was the brutal damage that the missiles that got through were causing.

Another consideration is that lasers allocated to point defense aren't shooting at your ship. Missiles reduce incoming fire, though it's an expensive way to do so and can't be kept up indefinitely.
It wasn't long range fighting, but medium range. In one case it was convoy that was ambushed by Zho and other ships were involved; in another they were jumped by a bounty hunter that was after them that caught up with them while they were refuelling from a gas giant. Bounty was dead or alive, so they weren't too fussed, although yes, they were trying to capture, using an Ion weapon.

In both cases the enemy controlled the range and wanted to close. there was a lot of laser fire, but the deciding factor of both fights that caused the other ship to break off and run was the brutal damage that the missiles that got through were causing.

Another consideration is that lasers allocated to point defense aren't shooting at your ship. Missiles reduce incoming fire, though it's an expensive way to do so and can't be kept up indefinitely.
Here’s the problem in the later case it had nothing to do with being a merchant ship in the former one where were the escort ships it’s their job to keep the enemy at bay while the convoy scatters. Neither case seem like normal merchant operations one is durning war time and the other indicates illegal activity.
What does WHY they were being attacked have anything to do with the utility of them having a missile rack?

And being in a convoy doesn't mean there are armed escorts, it just means a bunch of ships are travelling together for mutual protection. and war time is certainly not the only time you would travel in convoy, in fact merchants heading to less well policed systems who are not travelling in convoy are probably what you would call, fools
As it happened, there was an armed escort (a patrol cruiser). It had docked with a freighter that reported engine trouble and requested help, just before that freighter was revealed to be an infiltrating Ine Givar suicide vessel and detonated. The Zho dropped out of their co-ordinated jump shortly afterwards and started shooting up the rest.

But I can assure you that the captain winced and clutched their bank balance every time those missile salvoes thundered out.

(However, I was kind enough to have the Imperial Navy restock them due to their heroic actions... that time).
Oddly, the same battle threw up a tumbling ship situation as well.

After the Zho were fended off the players switched into rescue and recovery mode, and the stricken patrol cruiser was tumbling chaotically (on more than one axis of rotation), making it very tricky to dock.

Time for a quite difficult Piloting roll, but that was achieved, so that worked out. Then a simple matter to damp out the motion and board to look for survivors.
What does WHY they were being attacked have anything to do with the utility of them having a missile rack?

And being in a convoy doesn't mean there are armed escorts, it just means a bunch of ships are travelling together for mutual protection. and war time is certainly not the only time you would travel in convoy, in fact merchants heading to less well policed systems who are not travelling in convoy are probably what you would call, fools
Because there a big difference between a merchant and a freetrader being used for illicit purposes the former has no reason to carry offensive weapons the later might.
As for the convoy he stated they were attacked by Zho who would only be attacking a merchant convoy durning a state of war in which case the convoy would have either a merc or a military escort.
Because there a big difference between a merchant and a freetrader being used for illicit purposes the former has no reason to carry offensive weapons the later might.
As for the convoy he stated they were attacked by Zho who would only be attacking a merchant convoy durning a state of war in which case the convoy would have either a merc or a military escort.
But thats completely besides the point of would a far/free trader ever use missiles, if they are only operating in safe patrolled systems sure they may not have any weapons at all (in fact I'd say the majority of these ships are unarmed). Why would the only time a convoy be attacked by the Zho be during war? what if they are in contested space and the Zho think they are smuggling or spying? but even in war a convoy would not necesarilly have either a merc or a military escort. US convoys soon after their entry into the war were unescorted, despite both the British and Canadians telling them this was a bad idea. but even then there are MANY different types of shipping convoy.