FAR TRADER #3 out now!


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Far Trader #3 is available right now! https://www.mongoosepublishing.com/products/far-trader-issue-3-comic

Aramis Subsector on the Imperial Frontier. Aramanx was intended to be a luddite paradise, a pastoral world where the pressure and conflict of life in the Imperium could be forgotten. But things haven’t worked out that way. The balkanised world has become a war zone where its numerous nations are ratcheting up tension with one another. It is a powder keg waiting to blow. The crew of the Slowhand enter this volatile environment, hoping to repair their ship and make a few deals, but getting out unscathed could be trickier than they think.

Traveller: Far Trader is a foray into Traveller’s celebrated Charted Space setting, where ordinary spacers take on extraordinary challenges.

This issue also includes bonus material for the game that describes the Helical mercenary unit with stats for one of their vehicles and key personalities.

Join the crew of the Slowhand on their adventures in Far Trader #3, available right now in both print and PDF! (As always, get a free PDF copy when you purchase the print edition)

Fly Free Travellers...
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You are a day late...

did someone forget to press a button :)
I finally got to Far Traders #1 & #2 on my TBR stack. Shady characters, dubious ethics, no win situations... I like it!

And the part of me that listened to too much Pointer Sisters wonders if they will ever hook up with another tramp freighter called Easytouch.
and pulled the trigger on the 3 Far Trader issues... will look over the PDF's later but I really need physical copies to enjoy fully. That said I am having fun watching my copy of Riftbreaker take a scenic tour of the east coast via USPS tracking. I assume it will arrive eventually.. last seen up in Pennsylvania for some damn reason.
I finally got to Far Traders #1 & #2 on my TBR stack. Shady characters, dubious ethics, no win situations... I like it!

And the part of me that listened to too much Pointer Sisters wonders if they will ever hook up with another tramp freighter called Easytouch.

too funny.... I named my first Free Trader Closet Queen.. for having listened to WAY too much James Gang and the resultant brain cell loss...

well my three copies of Far Trader arrived today and just finished off the last... though I nearly ruined the last copy with a bit of beer spray...

absolutely loved them.

3 points 3 ..

1. the post-exercise Winston was definitely missing... as would have been the nice touch of having the two of them piloting the Slowhand down wearing nothing but bed sheets... a big hurry and a hot LZ?...:D

2. the art change between the 2nd and 3rd was quite jarring.. but I liked it.. though very different styles.. I thought both were very good in their own ways.

3. Sign me up for future medicine... Odja is a real tough guy or just has great genes doesn't he.

oh and I assume that Vaelda survived the assassination attempt.. she sort of disappeared after that but assume she did as the Slowhand made a jump after that and she was the only Engineer the ship had wasn't she.
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The update on Far Trader 4 is that it's about half done with layouts. Inks and colouring follows. I suspect it will be about two months. However, a new art team is already working on the first issue of the second arc, Traveller – Far Trader: Insurrection! So hopefully there will not be much of a delay between the two series.