Wil there be a revision of Babylon 5 for d20 Modern or 3.5?



Im interested in the game, but it seems to me like B5RPG should be based on d20 Modern. Is there an update planned?
I must admit I don't knonw Modern that well, but it seems to work well enough in 3.0, and the upgrade to 3.5 has a very limited effect on the game.

I haven't heard anything about an update.

Why would they need to convert it to modern. It only needs the 3.0 addition. I really do not want top see it moved to the 3.5 set. That particular set as far as I am concerned is not for a very good addiation. I have some connectinos to the gaming community and I've heard a distrubing rumor.......That there is going to be a 4th edition. Sorry, but I see 3.5 as a munchkin system. PM me and I'll tell you how much I hate it!
I like Babylon 5 the way it is! Please leave it this way.
Personally, I'd pick Modern for the system if we had to vote on a brand new B5 game without any pre-existing material, because it was designed around all the technologies that had to be "grafted in" to standard d20 to make the B5 RPG.


As we already have a ton of stuff out on the existing B5 rules, and they work pretty darned well, I'd hate to invalidate it all just for the sake of an update that would just make things a little tidier and more compatible with other d20 Modern supplements.
We use mostly spycraft rules sense they are set for more firearms related engagements. We do of course make modifications for the hit point system and other things, but it has worked very very well.
The only thing the main book really needs is the inclusion of the core rules to remove the dependence on the D&D rulebooks... :)

Although personally I tend to use a Pocket Player's Handbook purely out of loyalty.
Well, you'd have to strip out the B5 background material and season one stuff probably, but if Conan can do it so can we :D
If you strip out the Season 1 stufgf you've got no hooks for people that haven't seen the show.

Even though I've seen the show I still like them.

I guess...

Okay, so counting pages, how much of the D&D rulebook is actually needed to play B5? Character creation, don't need classes, need some of the Feats and Skills, don't need equipment, magic, need a new combined combat system (including the relevant bits from D20 and B5 grafted into one).... I'll dig out the book when I get a sec and see just what kind of impact this would make on the core rulebook.

The problem is, something will have to be done to the core rulebook soon. Either it has to update to 3.5, or it has to include the bits of 3.0 it needs, as people aren't going to be interested in buying a game if they have to go buy an outdated D&D rulebook to play it. Plus Mongoose haven't released a single game that requires a D&D rulebook in the last year, implying they much prefer OGL-logoed books (something I fully support, obviously). I still reckon you can get the bits of D&D you need into maybe 64 pages. Leave in the B5 universe overview and NPCs for background flavour. The Season One guide can be taken out or abbreviated (and instantly gives the text for a new Season One sourcebook) if that becomes necessary - although I'm thinking +64 pages shouldnt be too much of a strain on the book size. Will do the math some time in the next few days :)
I don't know that much needs done to the core book to make it 3.5 compatible. A few skill/feat references name changes and change the back to say 3.5

Or am I missing something?


So Matt, you're not so much caring whether it uses 3 or 3.5, just that it should be self contained and need no further books to play.


I've heard some fairly bad things in the works of D20. One of them is that AEG's Spycraft is going to come out with a new version. One which pull it totally away from D20.
Spycraft is indeed gatting a version 2.0. Dunno what the changes are going to be though.

I lurk on the Alderac boards as I own the Stargate SG-1 RPG. SG-1 is based off of Spycraft '1.5', so called because it includes some of the changes that are going to be implemented in SpyCraft 2.0

I don't let it bother me, just like I ignored v3.5 D&D as SG-1 doesn't need it and I have most if not all of the compatible Spycraft books that I want for SG-1.

lastbesthope said:
I lurk on the Alderac boards as I own the Stargate SG-1 RPG. SG-1 is based off of Spycraft '1.5', so called because it includes some of the changes that are going to be implemented in SpyCraft 2.0

I don't let it bother me, just like I ignored v3.5 D&D as SG-1 doesn't need it and I have most if not all of the compatible Spycraft books that I want for SG-1.

Heh, I swore I wasn't going to have any Spycraft books in my personal collection. Then I got SG-1... shortly after I found myself grabbing a Spycraft core rulebok... followed by all the rest (even including the Shadowforce Archer stuff, which has a pretty darned cool storyline).
Well I tend to buy because of the show, not the system. S'why I have the old Babylon Project stuff, even if I never have played it.

I have the Spycraft MAG, US Mil, World Mil and Battlegrounds. that'll do for now.

Was the same reason I got it :) Just the completionist in me then wanted to see Spycraft :)

But do you have both the US and UK printings of the Earthforce Sourcebook, with the US one having the missing counters? :)
Actually this is bringing back memories (that doesnt happen often, most of mine are lost forever)... I was visiting a friend in Seattle at the time TBP was first published, so I brought it back into the country with me about a month before it hit the shelves here :)