Why do TL8 Vacc Suits cost more than TL10 ones?

They're made of more and less efficient materials. As the TL rises, the costs of manufacture become more efficient. This process makes more of a given product available to consumer and improves the overall performance of said product.
Just look at home computers here on Earth, for an example. In just one Traveller TL the performance has increased better than 10-fold while the price has dropped by more than half. The PC on my desk right now cost me about $1800 give or take two years ago. In order to get anything like the same performance in 1977 [the year Traveller hit the shelves], that unit would take up MUCH more space, cost more to make, use more power, and break down more often. And, as the price I paid will tell you, I don't own anything like the kind of rig professional graphic designers or programmers own
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RETROTECH: While computers may be built at, and rated as any TL above the optimum TL, a higher TL society may
produce a lower rated TL system for reduced cost and weight. Any system may be built at any TL below the society’s
current level, but not below the optimum TL for the model. Each reduced level halves the cost and weight of the basic

I think they are missing this rule for other types of equipment. You should be able to buy a TL8 Vacc Suit on a TL 10 world for a discount.
What, like you can buy an 8 track tape player at a discount now? Someone has to actually make the obsolete thing you want to buy and the thing you wan to buy has actually be a thing that can be made cheaper "the old way" than the new way.

Also keep in mind that there is no guarantee that a TL10 world was EVER TL8 to have a supply of antiques or outdated manufacturing capability. Most worlds were colonies and didn't uplift themselves from a lower tech. If anything, they likely regressed from a higher tech.
A TL10 vacuum world may not allow sales of TL8 vacc suits.
'...unless held together by at least TL9 duct tape. Yeah, I'm not sure I'd want to go diving in 19th century suit or skydiving in a 1900ish parachute. For some things - especially if your life depends on them - cheaper is not better. (I forget which astronaut point out that he was sitting atop a rocket - a.k.a. giant bomb - built by the lowest bidder).
'...unless held together by at least TL9 duct tape. Yeah, I'm not sure I'd want to go diving in 19th century suit or skydiving in a 1900ish parachute. For some things - especially if your life depends on them - cheaper is not better. (I forget which astronaut point out that he was sitting atop a rocket - a.k.a. giant bomb - built by the lowest bidder).
It was in the movie Armageddon as well.