Who wants an extra White Star in the ISA Fleet Box?

Do you think the number of White Stars in the ISA Fleet box should be upped to 9?

  • Yes please!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't care!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Absolutely not!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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LBH - Nice suggestion about a reinforcement box. That would do it.

Take out 1 VCD and put it in the reinforcements and suppliment it with something else.
lastbesthope said:
I've been heavily hinting about the extra White Star on a lot of my posts recently. Looks we might have had an effect.

msprange said:
lastbesthope said:
[cough]9 White Stars in every ISA Fleet Set![/cough]

Just working on something related to this that should far exceed your expectations. . .

But please, keep voting (Especially if you vote yes!)

That could well be a new ISA boxed set with Gunship, Carrier, etc. as part of the package rather than an extra White Star...
lastbesthope said:
a perfect 5 point War level fleet. 2 VCDs at 1 point each
Uhhh, since when is a VCD 1 War point? :P

Voted NO for incompetent mathematical abilities of the OP.
Considerig the original post is from November 2004, the only thing you can fault LBH on is his lack of precognition. The Vorlon Telepathy courses obviously didn't take :lol:

On a semi- serious note, the Armageddon counter sheet.
At the moment, I basically have ten of everything; and it doesn't make sense. If some of those ten Orestes were Olympus or Artemis, or better yet Hermes, they'd see a lot more use.
Basically, what I'm asking for is to scale the number of counters included to the number that are going to be needed. There are going to be more of the lower-PL ships (how many Hermes was that for a War point again?), and probably also more of the iconic ships, especially those that turn up in set scenarios. Six or eight Nova should be enough really, as against a dozen or more Hyperion; a mere four Morgrath and Kutai against sixteen to twenty Vorchan. Maybe underestimates for the rarities, but I think you get the idea.
Well since its been raised from the dead seemingly I may as well chip in :P

I would say that a reinforcement box would probably be a bad idea as most ISA folks I know dont really like the new ISA ships and LOATHE the WS fighters so dont really want anything besides the basic stuff anyway!
I was going to say take out the both Victorys and suplament em with 1 carrier 1 gunship and some WS fighters and 6 whitestars and some fighters for the white stars. my 5 pence
White_Star26 said:
I suggest all fleet boxes be equal to the max fleet points for ease of purchase.

All the fleet boxes are equal....

.... its just some are more equal than others :lol: :lol:
White_Star26 said:
I think for new comers like myself that want to get straight into gaming, the fleet boxes should have the max points so we can learn what makes the fleet and then later (after losing a few hundred times) learn to suppliment the fleet with additional ships from our desired races.

I suggest all fleet boxes be equal to the max fleet points for ease of purchase.
Thats what counters were invented for.
lastbesthope said:
Why does it bother you all that I don't paint my minis, they're my minis, and I'll paint them in my own good time :lol:


Or not as the case may be. Seriously though it doesnt bother me in the slightest, but its just become a sort of running joke on the forums as you know :D
lastbesthope said:
Why does it bother you all that I don't paint my minis, they're my minis, and I'll paint them in my own good time :lol:


you do realise there's nothing after the Heat Death of the Universe, right?
Lorcan Nagle said:
you do realise there's nothing after the Heat Death of the Universe, right?

That's where you're wrong, by then my mass of unpainted minis will be sufficient to forma new universe :lol:

lastbesthope said:
Lorcan Nagle said:
you do realise there's nothing after the Heat Death of the Universe, right?

That's where you're wrong, by then my mass of unpainted minis will be sufficient to forma new universe :lol:


Yeah, but it will be a vast and colorless void.