Who is running Paranoia?


Cosmic Mongoose
I'm just curious who is running any games of Paranoia XP (occasional single-shots or any sort of campaign).
Occasionally for my gaming group. but more often at conventions. In fact, I'll be running it at Conpulsion in just ovwer a week's time.
I am !

At the moment I've a group of mature gamers who find it hard to commit to a regular game of anything due to life commitments ( jobs, family, etc ). Paranoia is perfect at providing a great evenings entertainment for all concerned and works excellently as a one off every now and then. As experienced gamers everyone seems to enjoy seeing old gaming stereotypes turned on their heads. From a GM's point of view I've even noticed the players progressing through the initial mayhem of earlier games into more sophisticated strategies of deceipt and betrayal.
I am currently running a Zap style game for my soon to be nieces and nephews. They really seem to enjoy talking the other members of the troubleshooter team (boy does saying that there is a such thing as a team of troubleshooters sound strange) into circular logic.

What I find most interesting is that the parents of these children are asking if I could run a game for them also. Wonder if I should try Classic or ***shudder*** Straight.
Major coolness.

I finally got asked (and had the time) to run a session of Paranoia at a local game store (plus two sessions at Gamestorm the last weekend in March http://www.gamestorm.org)

Glad to hear people are playing.

Anyone got computerized versions of the forms (colorized, fillable, etc) they care to share?
MY Security team of red troubleshooter's had to repair a speaker system that was saying strange names that caused them to go Insane and die in agony.-also they were to guard a piece of equiopment of armed force's that was invisible..It started itself up and the party had to find the invisble key and find the piece of equipment to turn it off-at the moment the piece of equipment that's invisible is running amok thru alpha complex and the party has gone thru all their six pack clones trying to stop it--Lucky for them it's extra clone wqeek by order of Big-C. :twisted: :!:
I got my first maiming with the mission alert.

One of the PCs had his Mission Alert inturrupted by a "Shoot the Commie and WIN 50 CREDITS!" pop-up. He hit the Commie, and it crashed his Troubleshooter PDC.

"Hmmmmmmmm, 'Hit it hard enough to work once, and then fall apart' skill, eh?" *WACK*


*Me making noises of a Mac Classic booting up*



*Beep, beep, beep*

"Oh well, put it back on my belt."

Seems he had forgotten my description of the device, such as it's ability to be used as a Frag Grenade in an emergency.

He arrived at the Mission in a Flying Johnny-Cab with two left legs. Literally.