Where is your campaign?

Koski said:
Currently, mine is in Stygia, soon to explode into Shem.

Zamora. Will be moving west to Corinthia, Nemedia, south to Ophir, then north to Aquilonia and west to the pictish wilderness. From there adventure will be on the high seas then on to Messantia.
Currently in Stygia, up to player characters where they will head next. Either Shem or stay in Stygia a bit longer. Their route so far was Aquilonia -> Zingara -> Argos -> Stygia.
My players just concluded an adventure by busting a fellow player out of a Zingaran prison, then heading to Argos where they were shanghaied by a Argosean she-pirate and are now on their way to the Barachan Isles.

The next leg of the campaign (which we should start soon, I hope) will take them to Shem for a Cthulhu Innsmouth type adventure as the she-pirate drags them along on her quest to find something that man was not meant to know. :twisted:
Bjorn - sounds cool...

All my players were slaves in Stygia. They managed their freedom, not knowing it was not done "Legally". So, now, they are on the run. They are heading to Shem (Thier choice) to hopefully gain the support of a prince who hates Stygia - a relative of a PC. One of characters is a Shem Noble/Nomad.

I am making this up as I go...

It is only 3rd level now...
Bjorn the Barbarian said:
My players just concluded an adventure by busting a fellow player out of a Zingaran prison,

Doesnt that sound BAD? like a Turkish Prison?

Whats the back story on that Bjorn? sounds good, do tell?
DasClay said:
KOSKI That sounds prett good as well, how many players do you have in your game?


6 Players.

It is actually keeping them very happy. I do my best on the fly.

After Meeting the Prince, I really have to crack down and start planning something. I have a feeling mass combat rules are going to be used soon.
I cannot divulge too much, cause they may be on this forum.

One of them, not the Noble, stole an item from a noble in Stygia. (IDEAS ARE ROCKING)...

To date, I have a Cimmerian Barbarian, A Shemite Noble/Nomad, A Zingaran Pirate/Thief, an Aquilonian Borderer, an Argosian Soldier, and a Argosean Scholar (Follower of Mitra).
Were in Bythunia at the moment, bullying and trading. Before, we were rading in Asgard and Hyperborea.
Currently, most of the party is starving to death on an iceberg floating in the Arctic Sea. The other member, who has been radicaly physicaly altered by scarification, tattoing, etc, is wandering around Norhern Nordhiem with a dog.

Fun Times.
Currently in Zamora, where the party destroyed a cannibalistic cult who worshiped a captured ghoul. Before that, they were in the Black Kingdoms wrecking havoc and impressing the ladies.
Mine started off in Zamora (and is still there) then heading off to the Pictish Wilderness for a campaign. Then they'll be heading to Zingara to restore an exiled noble to his position (said noble is an npc with the party now, though they havent made any attempt to talk to him and find out his story so far. Probably because he's behaving and looking like a drunk tramp at the moment.) All that should take the players up to 8th level or so, then i might try to tie in a campaign from Tales of the Black Kingdoms. Depends on what the players wish to try by this point.
Currently my group is lost somewhere in southern Russia. . .

Obviously my current game is not set in Hyboria (though, as I've been doing since I got the core book - the game does use the Conan ruleset).

I'm gearing up to start a game set in Hyboria. The players will begin in Bossonia as settlers.
My current game isn't set in Hyboria proper either. I'm still kind of debating when I move into that phase whether it will be Stygia or Zamora first.
Koski said:
Majestic. where is your campaign going? What are the goals?

The campaign started following the Nemedian defeat in Hour of the Dragon, the player characters were Nemedian soldiers fleeing the Aquilonians. Thus they ended up in Zingara, got involved with a Stygian spy and a strange cult in their efforts to get home and decided to go to Stygia on the way to return home rich. Two of the characters started having strange dreams about a ruined city beneath a desert. One of them became especially obsessed about it... and a long story short, they are now in Pteion.

The cult they encountered in Zingara and Messantia has been digging for something in Pteion and their leader escaped the damned city just as the players entered it. She is riding towards Shem - I don't know if the player characters plan to follow or not. I've planned things out both way. I guess right now goals of the group as a whole are to survive and return home rich. Unfortunately they have earned themselves some powerful enemies which might force them to play heroes against their will. Offensive is the best defence after all.

Different individuals have different personal goals on the top of that.
My guys ARE TEARING IT UP IN THE JUNGLES OF (WHOOPS CAP LOCK) Kush. They have overthrown a local tribe, put their Black Barbarian friend on the throne, tortured the witchfinder for his secrets of dark knowledge, and have set out on carving a niche in the jungle as premium drug dealers (lotus flowers) to the stygians. Needless to say they are living in "swiss family robinson" style treehouses and have at least 7 wives each?!?

It is pretty appalling how the best laid plans go to waste. They are having fun organinzing raids and ambushes and capturing other black tribes to be sold into slavery, so they can finance their Jungle Empire.

They do keep themselves occupied by looking for undiscovered green stone cities to loot$, lotus plants, exotic animals (to be sold to the stygians), and crocodile hunts.

Alas, all this wealth and fun must be disrupted soon. I let them have it easy for a while, heck they earned it, but it miht be time for a native uprising, a dread disease to wipe out their tribe, or their puppet king and friend to be cursed from afar.
my plan was for a jungle trek to the Chagan capitol of Kush see: