Where do I find the Treasure Charts? (aka Loot the bodies!)

a lot depends on the setting and locale too. Glorantha is very much an ancient setting, which means that all encompassing armour is unlikely, but not unknown.

A normal guard will propably have leather or, at best, ring armour. Cheap and inexpensive.
A group of soldiers benefits more from pikes and training, than from clanking around in armour.
Elite troops, carmanian knights and player characters with too much money on their hands ? Likely candidates for "metal gear G-style"
I too was looking around for the treasure tables (old habits die hard). It seems that the magic systems are designed to have characters spend a lot of money. Looking at the Divine Magic in the Compendium, if I am a caster of divine spells and I go out adventuring and cast my Heal spell, I have to hoof it to a Site, spend a day praying for the spell again and spen 50 silver.

As a Game Master I took that to mean that I have to keep enough loot on the party so the spell casters share can at least replentish his spells. Sounds expensive. Maybe not.

Well, if you do a great service to your cult, they'd propably give you some spells as rewards, as well as even cough up a spell or two to aid you in your task.

Glorantha is all about knowing who to grease up :)
Loot tables?????

I know D&D players need those.

I thought that RQ players wouldn´t need tables because they know how to use their mind and imagination...

Sometimes i wonder. RQ is far to near D&D in style, so i am glad i moved to HeroQuest. :)