Where do i find Baboons in Glorantha?


I like baboons.

In this forum so far i have spelled my english like a baboon.
I have chosen a baboon as my picture.
And since i got my hands on that picture, i grown to like baboons even more.

So what is more natural for me than to introduce a flock of baboons to my players in the current campaingn?

So fellow gamers, runequesters and Glorantha fans where do the baboons exist in the Glorantha world, do anyone know?
In the 3rd age there are Baboons in the Wastelands of Prax (10.000 according to the RQ3 boxed set 'Glorantha- Crucible of the Hero Wars')
According to RQ2 'Griffin Mountain' there are also troops of baboons roaming Votankiland (Balazar) and the Elder Wilds. Both groups worship Daka Fal.
Finally, if we are to trust 'Apple Lane' there is at least one band of Baboons in Sartar, at least before they assault Gringle's pawnshop!

All this is Third Age info, but I see no reason why those places should be less babooney in the Second Age. With the possible exception of draconised Dragon Pass. (It is well known that dinosaurs, wyverns, and dream dragons have taste for baboon meat!)

Boboons are native to the Wastelands and Prax.
Much smaller numbers (a few groups?) should be around in neighbouring regions (northern Teshnos, the foothills of the ShanShan mountains in Kralorela, southern Pent, eastern Dragon Pass, south eastern Peloria).

Baboons claim to have had a mighty monkey empire once (like the ducks claim they had Ganderland). Ruins of this are still found in Prax (if they have anything to to with them, as the Baboons claim).
Go check out the Monkey Ruins in Prax. It's well known that they put on a pretty funky song and dance routine in return for fire magic.
By the third age, you can even find them in the Lunar Army! I don't think "7 Mothers do 'ave 'em" is available, but you can find out more about John Hughes sequel (for Heroquest) "Bad Boon Rising/Beak no Evil"
here. It's a fun convention scenario for 2 GM's and 10 players (5 Baboons and 5 Ducks)

Baboons have even worked their way into the cult of Yelmalio by the Third Age, as can be seen by the presence of Mel Yelo in the Sun County supplement from Avalon Hill by Michael O'Brien.

I think that they may even be as a far north as southern Pent.

We are however talking about the intelligent Giant Baboons, there are also black baboons in Fonrit, which are used by the Calari Man-Hunters like dogs, these are not so intelligent as their northern cousins, but are fearsome little buggers, who unlike dogs can climb trees and run over roof tops in puruit of their victims. In the second age the Calari are a tribal group that has allied itself to the Fonritan City States (much to the suprise of the God Learners who tried many times to recruit them), by the third age they are the secret police of the Jann of Afadjann.
