Glitch Please
My fav were the Stornlands. All those little city states had so much intrigue. I also loved the Vassagonian empire.
adgramaine said:Oh, if we're mentioning our favorite nations, then I'd have to go with Lyris. For some reason, Book Six: Kingdoms of Terror reasonates very strongly for me. Overall ambiance and all that... Ancient tombs, lost artifacts...probably the first nation Indian Jones would visit had he been a Magnamund character!
Ikar-tas-Kai said:Durenor. Maybe because I’m French and I read somewhere, somewhen, that Durenor is modeled after this country (the name at least sounds French). I also like the Knights of the White Mountain (which I can’t explain, since I’m not usually found of paladins). Maybe this is the “underdog” aspect of this country, which is nothing special. Port-Bax definitely is a winner for me (my preferred city name in the setting, although I should give Tahou a nod—but I don’t know how it is supposed to be spelt in English; I always spelt it “ta-oo”, like taboo).
Well, let us say he is from Guyenne ;-)Bon-Al Ironforge said:Ikar-tas-Kai said:Well then, what you need to do is visit, an online virtual LW community, and join the growing ranks of the Knights of the White Mountain - of course, the current leader of the Knights of the White Mountain is English, which if Durenor is French I would find kinda funny.
But come along and have some fun, mon ami!