What have you broken today?


In the same vein as "What have you painted/modelled today".

I dropped my WIP Witch Elf on Manticore conversion and it is now back in it's original component parts :(
What can I say mthomason ??

Two suggestions:
1. D not drop WIP, it sucks :!: :!: :!:
2. Pin, Pin, Pin, weld but by any and all mean reinforce every joint on a project such as that.

Cause it really hurts to waste all that effort for naught.

Really I feel your pain. . . . been there done that too many times.
CudaHP said:
What can I say mthomason ??

Two suggestions:
1. D not drop WIP, it sucks :!: :!: :!:
2. Pin, Pin, Pin, weld but by any and all mean reinforce every joint on a project such as that.

Cause it really hurts to waste all that effort for naught.

Really I feel your pain. . . . been there done that too many times.

Thats the worst bit - it *was* pinned...

It probably was the bouncing off the table twice, off the top of a pile of boxes, and across the floor that did more damage than the impact against the wall at the end of it's journey (evidenced by my having to hunt in every little corner for the smaller missing parts)
Well, it wasn't today, but I managed to drop a Dreadnought onto an Eldar Guardian once. Completely exploded the Guardian, not quite back into its constituent parts, but close enough.

By the magical power of superglue that Guardian is now fighting again! :D
Well what I did was on purpose, I broke down some cadians for their bits, heads and hip-packs to make me feel more proud of the amount of contents in my bits box, and because I wanted the flamer fuel and elysian demo charge for one of my cap squads :P
I managed to drop Rakhams Saphyr, lonewolf. Again. The first time it was OK, the sword broke later, and was subsequently pinned back in place. The second fall took out the same sword again, by breaking the pin.

I get the feeling this model is cursed.
as strange as it sounds my kittens have sussed out to get onto my painting table by doing a death leap from the curtains todays casulty was a machine wraith and nearly a cuppa all over me!

safety nets might be a good idea!
Saturday: Thagrosh's spine. Wings on an Everblight Seraph. The freakin' front legs on an Everblight Teraph.

Sunday: Necron Warrior and a Nightbringer. The Nightbringer will require repair on its paintjob. Two Flamers of Tzeentch arms are rattling around inside the minis case as well.

Monday: A Cadian standard bearer was knocked over by a cat onto a number of plastic Cadians...

Tuesday: The @#$%ing turrets and front cannon on a Nemesis. Dropped a bag of starfuries. Guess I'll find them when they impale my foot.
NOthing bad recently but I'll set the scen for what happened before:

At about nine PM, I am working on a world eaters champion. So I'm painting away and mam is watching law and order.

Me: Mam, watch the dog, he was at my paints.
Mam: Yes I will *ignores me watching TV*
Me: You sure, because last time you said that the dog...
Mam: Its fine son (still glued to the TV)
*I go upstairs at lightspeed*
*Come back down*

I come in and see my dog (Apollo, a Dobermann). His mouth is full.

Me: I thuoght I wold you to watch the f***ing dog!!!

What ensued was me chasing him, who is as fast as a greyhound, around the room/ The model was probably dry, but I did not give a rats ass about it as the fragile chain axe hand could have came loose and went down his throat, choking him to death. I got it out of his mouth and he was fine.

Long story short, big roaring fight about the dog and how he could have got hurt.
my Misses was bringing my recently finished Shadow fleet down the stairs from the house to the shed so that I could varnish them. wobble drop bounce shatter went a Shadow Scout. It took us 10 minutes to find all the pieces.

into the nail polish remover, put it back together and repainted it an hour later. Paint job came up better than the original job! :D
A King Tanker that I had WELDED together fell six feet and exploded when I accidentally dropped it. For ****'s sake, I WELDED it all together with real welding equipment (carefully so I didn't melt all the plastic and metal).
I have something I WISH would break years ago I was assembling a dreadnought and i glued the legs on backwards and didnt notice iv tossed it against the floor and dented the floor tried to wrench it apart and sliced my fingers hit it with a #$%%$ HAMMER and didnt do crap to it
A flamer's arm went missing... these were the really nice once I'd done with the color shifting paints too... :(

Also: Is it just me or is GW's Nightbringer one of their most fragile models ever? My roomie's version keeps losing its arm.

Early last month, my Harlequin Troupe Leader broke when that stupid little ribbon they have it balancing on busted off. What were they thinking when they decided to have a huge model leaning at that angle and letting it get supported by a ribbon? UGH.
2 Tanker Bugs! I was looking for them and stepped on the box they were in............

Well Saturday's SST:Evo demo will have pre-injured bugs in it........