What Articles Would you RPG'ers like to see?

Neo said:
I really enjoy WARS, though I suspect whatever the problems were the prevented the other books written from it appearing, could possibly be problems that may stop any articles appearing for it?

If they could I almsot certainly would produce something for it for S&P at some point.

Thanks for the reply! Greg Lynch was the one who clued me into S&P as a possible outlet for the Soul and Steel material (from a note by msprange on some other thread).

He didn't indicate that there would be any difficulty with S&P using this material (although he didn't indicate the contrary, either). How can I encourage the two of you to connect on this without seeming like a pest?

Oops, too late ...
Durham Blue said:
Neo said:
I really enjoy WARS, though I suspect whatever the problems were the prevented the other books written from it appearing, could possibly be problems that may stop any articles appearing for it?

If they could I almsot certainly would produce something for it for S&P at some point.

Thanks for the reply! Greg Lynch was the one who clued me into S&P as a possible outlet for the Soul and Steel material (from a note by msprange on some other thread).

He didn't indicate that there would be any difficulty with S&P using this material (although he didn't indicate the contrary, either). How can I encourage the two of you to connect on this without seeming like a pest?

Oops, too late ...

it would be nice to see some of Soul and Steels content or even parts of Nowhere to Hide appearing in S&P.

anyway back to the topic, so we have a nice listing of the games folks want things for..but WHAT would you like to see for those games? Adventures have been noted, anything else? (Prestige Classes, Feats, Background Fluff, New Mechanics, Alternate Classes...etc.etc..) let yourselves be heard.. you never know you might just see what you want.
settings would be nice as the ruins book for conan was so good how about a few differant slaine tribal villages(a hill one a wood one and a swamp one for example)sacred stones and henges could be a good peice you could use in conan/lone wolf/anicents/rune quest as well
Just a quick note: Starting with the December issue, Soul and Steel will be serialised in S&P. There's a lot of material to cover, so you might have to be a bit patient, but over the course of a year or so it should all appear. There are no licence problems that I am aware of, so if you want to submit WARS material, feel free. Mark, I'm looking at you. :shock:

Because you know what? WARS is awesome.
Mongoose Chris said:
Just a quick note: Starting with the December issue, Soul and Steel will be serialised in S&P. There's a lot of material to cover, so you might have to be a bit patient, but over the course of a year or so it should all appear. There are no licence problems that I am aware of, so if you want to submit WARS material, feel free. Mark, I'm looking at you. :shock:

Because you know what? WARS is awesome.

Music to my ears :)

Probably won't be anything this side of Xmas as Ive been snowed under with RL issues since June this year that have cut my sparer time to a bare minimum (and most of that is used playtestesting for the Goose and others).

But for the new year I shall certainly be putting some more ideas down and submitting them for WARS as well as some other SST ideas i've half done and a B5 article or 2.

Ive a hefty stack of notes on various things that ive been throwing around mentally in the odd spare moment I get, though now I know WARS is good to go too article wise I shall expand on a few more in that direction too.

thanks for the heads up Chris :)
WARS is back in S& P. Brillant!

Thanks to you folks for listening! I've already checked out the new material and am using it in my campaign.

I look forward to the next installment.

Thanks again! :D
How about some articles like "The Planes" series, "Cities of Fantasy" or "The Slayer's Guides"... I have enjoyed those series and I'm sure there are more concepts that can be explored... I'm sure there were also a few books in the generic d20 series that never made it to publication...

I would also like to see locations in the B5 setting. They can be a building, room of a building, starship, asteroid facility, Shadow / Vorlon listening post, First One's homeworlds, pockets in hyperspace...

And maybe some plot hooks that can be used with the locations.

Also from the Thirdspace movie, it would be cool to see some of the "many" Vorlon mistakes...

Maybe a few campaign plot line like articles, which can help budding GM's learn how to string a plot line along and run a long term campaign.
I would like to see the missing SST RPG books get the Wars treatment.

Clean up the notes you have for The Mighty Fleet and The Skinnie Hegemony and get them into S&P as a series of articles.
Bjorn the Barbarian said:
As always, more CONAN!

Some articles on various Hyborian cities (with maps) would be greatly appreciated. Like the article Vincent Darlage did on Tortage. :)

I second this, and not just maps of cities, but maps of regional areas too.
Keep the Victory at Sea content going..love what's been done so far to draw attention to the game and make it fun to play !

I haven't run a RPG for years and would like to get back into the swing of things.

I would like to see an article in S&P that is a basic introduction to running B5 RPG sessions.

