Well, I hadn't intented to bring up this idea, but I was thinking about it some more and thought that it wasn't quite right...I had previously decided to use the B5 Wars recharge times...but then I got to thinking that if I were firing an EA Heavy Laser Cannon, the B5 Wars has its recharge time of 4 (wait for 3 turns, fire again on the 4th). So that means, in D20 terms, waiting 18 seconds at least.
But then I began to think that a ship waiting 18 seconds to fire again seemed like a long time...much longer then we saw in the show, or was it?
But neither do I like the idea of a ship simply being able to fire all its weapons once each turn without penalty...
So then I thought of an Initiative Penalty for each weapon... A penalty to a specific weapons initiative (or weapon Type). Thus, Heavy Laser Canon might have a Initiative Penalty of -8, thus faster weapons would fire first... The big guys would fire last.
I am considering doing the following: 1 player rolls the ships init. Each player controls a gun. They then add their guns recharge penalty to init to the roll. This rule is good for capital ships.
Recharge Penalty to Init: To determine this, take the B5 Wars recharge time for weapons and multiply by 2. If you don't have B5 Wars, then assume a recharge penalty of 2 for light weapons, 4-5 for Medium, and 8 or so for Heavy weapons.
Eg: The EAS AEGEUS, a Hyperion Class cruiser is in its 3rd round of combat. The init roll of the ship is 15. Thus, the initiative for the various weapons would be:
Heavy Laser: 7
Medium Pulse Cannons: 8
Interceptors: 15 ( I probably would not give them a recharge penalty)
and so on. With this method, the heavier weapons go later, but not always. There might still be some nail biting as you are hoping you can recharge your weapons and fire again before your enemy can turn around and hit you.
But then I still ask this: Does the show show us that a EA Heavy Laser Cannon takes 18 seconds to recharge? If so, then the B5 Wars rules could apply here. I may still use the B5 Wars recharge times....Although not as accurate perhaps, it still would give that edge of your seat feel during starship combat.