Vengeance of the golden Skull (Messantia) annoted maps



why havent´t annoted maps of the sewers and the crypt made it into the book 3? Would make checking the players positions easier. It´s even more curious because the keep did make it into it.

Just wondering,

have a nice weekend

Mongoose seems to have problems with maps (no, I do not allude to Shadizar!), just look at AtTR, which is a 1A supplement with totally bugged maps that have almost nothing to do with the locations described in the book.
So maybe you're better off having no maps: this way you can't get confused :wink:
Yes, it´s a shame :wink:

In the end it´s just a minor annyoance and no big deal. On the other hand I payed for those maps.

Nevetheless, I have to agree with the other comments here that it´s a real nice adventure.

In our group we´re still at the beginning and there has been already one big "bload bath" :wink: :wink: :wink:
Im just now playing this map and having a heck of a time figuring out the sewers map. Does this map make any sense with the adventure? I cant even figure out which way it goes (orientation)?

C'mon mongoose playtest your modules before you print them and put notation on the rooms like they said above!!

Kincaid said:
Im just now playing this map and having a heck of a time figuring out the sewers map. Does this map make any sense with the adventure? I cant even figure out which way it goes (orientation)?

C'mon mongoose playtest your modules before you print them and put notation on the rooms like they said above!!


Since our group just decided to jump into the sewers without any given direction I didnt´t bother with the map. We just used it as a combat grid when they ran into something big... I love the terror of the unknown will saving throw...

Honestly the provided maps are far from beeing usefull. They bear no resemblance to the actual sewer layout portrayed by the book.

But we had fun. We hacked a lot, and ran away from time to time. Could have been worse.

Im just going to create my own maps for the sewer situation and the graveyard.

I shouldnt have to though, i paid good money for this module and there are multiple typos and errors. Its like they didnt even playtest this. Id like to have Donald Trump say, "Your Fired" to the proofreader for this adventure set.

I love the game but when i shell out lots of hard cash for this kind of product, i dont wanna have to do the work that should have already been done in the first place.

I also own Shadizar and will be playing that soon, and from what ive seen on the forums it will prolly be the same unpolished feel that parts of messantia have. Lots of typos, an incomplete or erronious map and other anomalies.

I will say that "Messantia" isnt a total loss, just disappointing when you get to the sewers and graveyard where coherency takes a jump out the window.

I havent had any of these problems with a single D&D module yet, so Mongoose please get it together!!

I know this is an old post, but I had to redraw the plan of the tower to fit the number of troops that the Golden Skull scenario required as my PCs were really sneaky, virtually bypassed the sewers but got to the keep the night before the assassination, with the Prince and his troops (the alternative ending). Rather than keep it to myself, you are welcome to use the following.

Alternatively, the fortress can be used in almsot any other game!

PDF 1" to 5' of Fortress Ground Floor (2% overlap)
PDF 1" to 5' of Fortress Upper Floor (2% overlap)
PDF 1" to 5' of Fortress Top Floor (2% overlap)
GIF image of the external plan of the fortress
GIF image of the whole lot for GM's use
Thanks Halfbat.

FOr the sewers, I just mapped out the 8 points of interest and figured out which one connected to which. I made some imsple maps I could post.

Mad Dog
Halfbat said:

I know this is an old post, but I had to redraw the plan of the tower to fit the number of troops that the Golden Skull scenario required as my PCs were really sneaky, virtually bypassed the sewers but got to the keep the night before the assassination, with the Prince and his troops (the alternative ending). Rather than keep it to myself, you are welcome to use the following.

Alternatively, the fortress can be used in almsot any other game!

PDF 1" to 5' of Fortress Ground Floor (2% overlap)
PDF 1" to 5' of Fortress Upper Floor (2% overlap)
PDF 1" to 5' of Fortress Top Floor (2% overlap)
GIF image of the external plan of the fortress
GIF image of the whole lot for GM's use

Very useful. Good stuff.
Has any one played this module? If so, can you share how it went? I'm thinking of running this next session. In the first couple pages of the module, it takes about running a short adventure or two in or around Messantia to introduce Argentio to the party, have him aid them, to make his death more meaningful. I'm considering doing this. Anyone have any good ideas?
I have a Messantian adventure where characters are forced into gladiatorial service. This is basically an adaptation of an TSR module DDA1 Arena of Thyatis, so I might need the permission of the author (John Nephew) to share it on this forum. I sent a mail to him and I'll let you know if I have an answer.
In the meantime, you can get a summary of the adventure by following this link:
I think I'm going to do HD2, Shrine of the Black Ones first. I can use Argentio's information broker occupation to seed the adventure. I can even have him provide the information needed in exchange for a future favor (along with a cut of the spoils), bringing even more weight to his request at the start of Vengeance of the Golden Skull. Should be fun!

Thanks Hervé, I'll have to check that thread out. If you can get permission for DDA1, that'd be great. A gladiator adventure, spiced with the political intrigue so easy to create in Messantia, would be a good fit for after HD2 and VoGC. One of the PCs is a noble from Messantia. (He's also the cultist from the cults thread.)
John Nephew gave this answer:
Hi! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying that old module I wrote so long ago.

I wrote that book under contract for TSR, Inc., so I don't own the rights to it and thus am not able to give you permission to use it. You would need to obtain permission from Wizards of the Coast, who purchased TSR and all of their copyrights and other intellectual properties.


It's nice from the president of Atlas Games to give such a quick answer.
I guess I'll have to check with Wizards of the Coast now...
Thanks for your efforts, Hervé. I borrowed DDA1 from a friend. Now I just need to read it.

After last night's session, it's looking like I may very well be using this adventure real soon, in one form or another. Stay tuned.
I didn't make major changes in the plot, though you'll need to adapt the setting a bit. The gladiator part needs some fleshing out, you'll find some info in the Messantia boxed set of course, but don't forget to check Signs & Portents #38 (Gladiators of Messantia) and #50 (Healers & Gladiators), both downladable for free from Mongoose site.
The dungeon part below the coliseum needs rewriting, though. I removed the monsters there and used the encounters below (I was using a homebrew version of Chaosium BRP back then, so I guess the stats won't help you much):

The cavern network is inhabited by the degenerate remnants of an ancient race. They generally live further below in the deeper caverns but will rush to the upper levels if they sense living food nearby.
Something else lives down there, something ancient and evil, an entity called Zoth that is worshipped as a god by the underground people.

The dwellers will stalk the PCs, waiting for the right moment to ambush them. They are not formidable fighters but they are so numerous that they can overwhelm almost any prey.

When the PCs are about to fall before the sheer number of their opponents, the dwellers of the dark seem to pause in the midst of their assault as if they were listening to something. A strange and entrancing tune can be heard through the tunnels. The sound is quite faint at first but grows louder with each passing moment. The dwellers will shout the name of Zoth and flee in total panic.

These degenerates are the descendants of an older civilized race. They moved underground after the great cataclysm but slowly regressed to a bestial state.

They retain some practical intelligence, they have a basic form of communication, an organized community and are able to use crude weapons and tools. They are carnivorous (and even cannibals) and will generally stalk their prey and try to overwhelm it by the force of numbers. They are humanoids with pale skin, no or little hair and bulging eyes.

They are not particularly brave and will run if they seem to be losing the battle. They fear fire and avoid bright light. Above all, they live in stark terror of the inhuman thing that lurks in the caverns and will run in panic if they sense it approaching.

Dweller Of The Dark

Improvised Weapon 35% 1D6
Brawl 40% 1D3

Athletics 35%
Stealth 65%
Perception 60%
Dodge 30%

“It seems to ondulate, varying by the second, rising gelatinously to height of perhaps three meters, spreading slimy tentacles forward. Its rubbery skin is coated with a foul ichor. The rancid stench becomes more overpowering with each moment. At the approximate center of this putrid black mass, a raw, slobbering hole, which seems to be a rudimentary mouth sucks in and out with obscene rhythm.”



Att- Crush or D3 pseudopods

Roll &Crush 80% 4D6
Pseudopod 60% 2D6

Terror Factor-15
Regeneration- 1D3/round
Hypnotic Song- POW vs POW or victim enters trance. Roll each round to break free.
Grapple- If at least two pseudopods hit the same target, The victim is grappled and brought to the creature mouth the next round (4d6 auto each round).

The bearer of the ring found in area 5 will be the primary target of Zoth’s attacks.