

Hey everyone,

I'm searching for information on Vendhya.

Aside from "The People of the Black Circle", "Conan the Victorious" (by Robert Jordan) and the few minor bits given in a few of the original stories, are there any other sources of info on Vendhya? Other novels, stories or comics?

Study the Vedas and other sources of Indian mythology and folklore. Then try and imagine what kind of Hyborian Age culture could have existed that would have inspired such tales.
Style said:
Study the Vedas and other sources of Indian mythology and folklore. Then try and imagine what kind of Hyborian Age culture could have existed that would have inspired such tales.

Sure, I've done that. I was wondering if there was any additional Conan fiction.

hi. :)

plenty info on Vendhya here...

that whole site is a great reference for lots of info. 8)
in CONAN THE VALOROUS by JMRoberts [the best Conan pastiche writer]
i think there was a powerful Vendhyan sorcerer and his deadly assassin companion.

how much info on Vendhya is there in the 'ROAD OF KINGS' mongoose book?
[ i can't remember, and my tome is with my coven now]
almost any ancient mythologies/tales from India could be incorporated into a Vendhyan campaign. Howard borrowed and adapted anything from history. :)
There's also The Dark Altar of Kaltar, an adventure from the SoC program by Mongoose, which is set in Vendhya.
According to the Gazetteer, Vendhya is mentioned in these stories:

City of Skulls
Conan the Victorious
Conan at the Demon's Gate
Witch Shall Be Born
Flame Knife
Conan and the Shaman's Curse
People of the Black Circle
Return of Conan
Conan of the Isles
Yogah of Yag said:
According to the Gazetteer, Vendhya is mentioned in these stories:

City of Skulls
Conan the Victorious
Conan at the Demon's Gate
Witch Shall Be Born
Flame Knife
Conan and the Shaman's Curse
People of the Black Circle
Return of Conan
Conan of the Isles

Is Conan of the Isles where we discover a tribe of Picts lives off Vendhya's coast?

Thanks to everyone for their replies!