Greetings all!
I just wanted to chime in. I actually got a chance to see the minis in person last night (I have an in...but if I told you about it I'd have to kill you)! I saw 'em up close and personal. I've also seen the pics on the site (both old and new). Let me offer a bit of a preface...
I'm a gamer but also a painter. I paint a lot of contracted works for other gamers in my area for a multitude of games and scales. I've also got some competitions under my belt. I'm certainly not "Golden Daemon" grade, but I do a fairly decent job for the table top. There are two overall standards of painting out there and each has different requirements: competition and table top.
Competition grade is that level where minis look absolutely phenomenal. You get right in close, gaze in wonder, and ask if the painter does anything else with their time. If you take this mini and put it on the table for play, all of that wonderful detail washes out from 2-4 feet away. It looks like a swirl of wonderfully blended color, with no detail.
Table top grade is the more typical level. You pick it up and look close (or bend over and squint) and the detail is harsh, the colors less blended, and the tones exaggerated. Up close, hmmm, lets say it won't win you awards. Place it on the table however, different story. During game play, the details pop out at you! That nose you though looked like hell from close suddenly stands out as an actual facial feature rather than a blur of pink (or green or purple depending on the creature)! When an army is painted to a decent to high table-top standard, it is actually (in my humble opinion) a better sight to see during the normal game!
(Keep in mind, the larger the scale the more detail you can place/ blend and have it work on the table. A 10" tall mini can be painted to a stupidly high standard and still look great on the table)
OK back on topic...
Like I said before, I saw the actual Battlefield Evolution minis last night. I was duly impressed. Most of the new pics are on target for their actual appearance. Some don't do the mini's justice (but if you look at a typical White Dwarf with Golden Daemon coverage, the pics of those mini's don't either. I've seen some of the entries in Baltimore and they rock!). I placed a pre-order for some of the Brit forces a while back. I'm not planning on recinding that order. I'm happy with the minis. Partly because they look good, partly because I have literally hundreds of unpainted metal and platic minis in my basement that really tick of the wifie! That's one of the benefits of pre-painted. NO WORK!
I understand some of the concerns people have. The eyes do make some of the figs look downright shocked and awed. This can be fixed with about 15-30 seconds of paint per mini. A large dot of black, a slightly smaller dot of white, and another smaller dot of black. Viola'! Estimating the typical BE consumer will have 2-3 squads of infantry, and each squad has 8 figs, that's about 16-24 minis. So about 8-12 minutes of work to fix the eyes. That's a hell of a lot better than the hours and hours of work to clean, assemble, primer, paint, flock, and varnish a normal mini.
The tanks really don't need any work. They look great and are a good deal at the going rates.
Lastly, a note on Mongoose. This is the only company of which I'm aware that interacts with its customers at this level. We can all think of the other companies out there and realize that this is so (certain others REALLY stick out, but let's not name- names). Some deserve the reputation they have- others do not. There's a lot of talk about the paint jobs on these minis. The SYSTEM however, is great! I've play tested some of the rules state-side here from the SST:Evolution arena (same basic system). Good solid rules = good solid game. Since everyone here is a gamer as well as hobbyist (otherwise you wouldn't even think of buying pre-painted minis. What would be the point?!), its safe to presume that we llike good solid game systems. If you consistently run rough-shod over a group of game designers who are (as Mongoose seems to be) really trying to put out good games, they get worn down. If they get worn down, they stop making games. We all lose.
I'm not saying that constuctive criticism is a bad thing; far from it. The only way to improve is to accept a helpful critique. Let's keep the feedback constructive. So here's mine:
1. the sculpts are great
2. the tanks are top notch
3. the eyes are a little off, but not a deal breaker
4. the camo is a little jumbled, but hey...its camo! again not a deal breaker
5. I appreciate the feedback and comments from the Mongoose staff, as this is rare these days
6. rules are solid!
7. the minis are, overall, some of the best pre-painted stuff on the market
8. give that manufacturer a good solid talking-to! If a five minute time-out won't do the trick just hold tight, I'm sure my idiot President will invade China shortly...sigh... then its free minis for everyone!
Thanks for listening to the rant here. Sorry to bore you all, I felt like I needed to chime in. Good Night and Good Gaming!
(p.s. for all of you conspiracy theorists out there... NO, I'm not on the Mongoose payroll, nor compensated in any way for this. I'm just a blowhard with a heart-o-gold)
I just wanted to chime in. I actually got a chance to see the minis in person last night (I have an in...but if I told you about it I'd have to kill you)! I saw 'em up close and personal. I've also seen the pics on the site (both old and new). Let me offer a bit of a preface...
I'm a gamer but also a painter. I paint a lot of contracted works for other gamers in my area for a multitude of games and scales. I've also got some competitions under my belt. I'm certainly not "Golden Daemon" grade, but I do a fairly decent job for the table top. There are two overall standards of painting out there and each has different requirements: competition and table top.
Competition grade is that level where minis look absolutely phenomenal. You get right in close, gaze in wonder, and ask if the painter does anything else with their time. If you take this mini and put it on the table for play, all of that wonderful detail washes out from 2-4 feet away. It looks like a swirl of wonderfully blended color, with no detail.
Table top grade is the more typical level. You pick it up and look close (or bend over and squint) and the detail is harsh, the colors less blended, and the tones exaggerated. Up close, hmmm, lets say it won't win you awards. Place it on the table however, different story. During game play, the details pop out at you! That nose you though looked like hell from close suddenly stands out as an actual facial feature rather than a blur of pink (or green or purple depending on the creature)! When an army is painted to a decent to high table-top standard, it is actually (in my humble opinion) a better sight to see during the normal game!
(Keep in mind, the larger the scale the more detail you can place/ blend and have it work on the table. A 10" tall mini can be painted to a stupidly high standard and still look great on the table)
OK back on topic...
Like I said before, I saw the actual Battlefield Evolution minis last night. I was duly impressed. Most of the new pics are on target for their actual appearance. Some don't do the mini's justice (but if you look at a typical White Dwarf with Golden Daemon coverage, the pics of those mini's don't either. I've seen some of the entries in Baltimore and they rock!). I placed a pre-order for some of the Brit forces a while back. I'm not planning on recinding that order. I'm happy with the minis. Partly because they look good, partly because I have literally hundreds of unpainted metal and platic minis in my basement that really tick of the wifie! That's one of the benefits of pre-painted. NO WORK!
I understand some of the concerns people have. The eyes do make some of the figs look downright shocked and awed. This can be fixed with about 15-30 seconds of paint per mini. A large dot of black, a slightly smaller dot of white, and another smaller dot of black. Viola'! Estimating the typical BE consumer will have 2-3 squads of infantry, and each squad has 8 figs, that's about 16-24 minis. So about 8-12 minutes of work to fix the eyes. That's a hell of a lot better than the hours and hours of work to clean, assemble, primer, paint, flock, and varnish a normal mini.
The tanks really don't need any work. They look great and are a good deal at the going rates.
Lastly, a note on Mongoose. This is the only company of which I'm aware that interacts with its customers at this level. We can all think of the other companies out there and realize that this is so (certain others REALLY stick out, but let's not name- names). Some deserve the reputation they have- others do not. There's a lot of talk about the paint jobs on these minis. The SYSTEM however, is great! I've play tested some of the rules state-side here from the SST:Evolution arena (same basic system). Good solid rules = good solid game. Since everyone here is a gamer as well as hobbyist (otherwise you wouldn't even think of buying pre-painted minis. What would be the point?!), its safe to presume that we llike good solid game systems. If you consistently run rough-shod over a group of game designers who are (as Mongoose seems to be) really trying to put out good games, they get worn down. If they get worn down, they stop making games. We all lose.
I'm not saying that constuctive criticism is a bad thing; far from it. The only way to improve is to accept a helpful critique. Let's keep the feedback constructive. So here's mine:
1. the sculpts are great
2. the tanks are top notch
3. the eyes are a little off, but not a deal breaker
4. the camo is a little jumbled, but hey...its camo! again not a deal breaker
5. I appreciate the feedback and comments from the Mongoose staff, as this is rare these days
6. rules are solid!
7. the minis are, overall, some of the best pre-painted stuff on the market
8. give that manufacturer a good solid talking-to! If a five minute time-out won't do the trick just hold tight, I'm sure my idiot President will invade China shortly...sigh... then its free minis for everyone!
Thanks for listening to the rant here. Sorry to bore you all, I felt like I needed to chime in. Good Night and Good Gaming!
(p.s. for all of you conspiracy theorists out there... NO, I'm not on the Mongoose payroll, nor compensated in any way for this. I'm just a blowhard with a heart-o-gold)