Just a couple of new manuevers I'll be offering my players next game.
{Requirement: Lightfooted}
If an unarmored character carrying thirty pounds or less is wounded in combat, they may immediately make a Withdraw action on the next initiative segment. They may not do this in response to an attack of opportunity or during the surprise round, nor may they take their normal intiative between receiving damage and Withdrawing. This changes their initiative for the rest of the combat. Other combat actions may change their initiative later. A character may not Scamper again for a full round.
Example: Septimar has rolled an initiative of 30, and Harn has an initiative of 18. On 30 Septimar charges Harn and misses. On 18 Harn strikes Septimar for 11 points of damage. Using Scamper, Septimar Withdraws 60' on 17, but may not act again until segment 17 of the following round.
{Requirements: Steely Gaze and Diehard}
A character who has just survived a Massive Damage Check may on their next initiative make an Intimidate check as a free action against all opponents within 30 feet. Opponents against whom this check is successful are Shaken. A character who Withdraws or otherwise leaves combat on their next initiative may not also use Unkillable.
Normal: Using Intimidate in combat is a move action that affects one opponent.
{Requirement: Lightfooted}
If an unarmored character carrying thirty pounds or less is wounded in combat, they may immediately make a Withdraw action on the next initiative segment. They may not do this in response to an attack of opportunity or during the surprise round, nor may they take their normal intiative between receiving damage and Withdrawing. This changes their initiative for the rest of the combat. Other combat actions may change their initiative later. A character may not Scamper again for a full round.
Example: Septimar has rolled an initiative of 30, and Harn has an initiative of 18. On 30 Septimar charges Harn and misses. On 18 Harn strikes Septimar for 11 points of damage. Using Scamper, Septimar Withdraws 60' on 17, but may not act again until segment 17 of the following round.
{Requirements: Steely Gaze and Diehard}
A character who has just survived a Massive Damage Check may on their next initiative make an Intimidate check as a free action against all opponents within 30 feet. Opponents against whom this check is successful are Shaken. A character who Withdraws or otherwise leaves combat on their next initiative may not also use Unkillable.
Normal: Using Intimidate in combat is a move action that affects one opponent.