treveller psionics and psionic institutions

well one thing about the main book was a verl little about the traveller universe or the facts of psionics being illigal to imperial citiziens!
but i have some ideals about speacial talents
Determining Specific Special Ability
If a character possesses Psionic Strength rating of 9+ at the time of psionic examination, the referee will secretly roll to determine the character's potential special ability. The referee may inform the player that his character has the potential for a special ability, but should not disclose what that ability is. Once the character has found an institute capable of teaching a special ability, the referee must then reveal the special ability for which the character has the potential. To determine the ability that a particular character is capable of roll on the special ability Table, as with the psionic talents.
Talent Learning DM notes
Temporal Dilation the ability to destort personal perception of time +0
Astral projection +0 The ability to project astral boy and ehtereal bodies
Precise Recall +1
Psychic sensory perception similar to sonar +2
Psycho electoral Transference Transferre kenitic energy into electral +0
Bio kinetic Healing ability to heal others +2
Possession ability to control other body +0
Invisibility +0avaod other seeing you
Alternative Teleportation +0 teleport others
Cryrokinetics drop temp +3
Psychic suppression the ability to suppress psi +4
Reservoir +1 the ability to pass on psi point to others
Psychic parasite the ability to draw or drain other psi
Channeling the ability to link with other psi and pull thier points +2
Hallucinations can produce hullucinations in others +1
Psychic Hypnotic suggestion can make simple suggestions to peple listening to voice +0
PER Previous Talent acquisition check - +1
just some ideals
Nice list (posted twice for our convenience I see :wink: ).

Invisibility is an important one to include since the Chirpers and Droyne have that ability. Just remember that Invisibility is a psychic phenomena, not a physical one, so sensor and cameras will still pick up the "invisible" character. You are affecting the mind of your target to "forget you" rather than actually bending light around yourself.

Astral Projection would allow a person to make psionic attacks/readings remotely correct? They get sight and sound and mental stuff, but no physical interaction?

Jame had a nice list of extra Psionic abilities that he posted on another board, maybe he is willing to share here too?
A Special talent a long-time character of mine has is an extension of Awareness to counteract aging. Gets rid of those pesky aging rolls while essentially not affecting any other part of the game.
AKAramis said:
Rikki Tikki Traveller said:
OOHHH! Psionic Immortality! I like it!

IN CT, it requires PSR-15 and Awareness-15. See AM Droyne.

Yes, it does. The character takes quite a bit of work to run but it's a blast. I'm in the process of converting him to MongTrav.

And it's not "immortality". It's merely "unaging". Immortality means you can't die. The Rejuvenation psionic ability doesn't protect you from being shot, burned, drowned, crushed, asphyxiated, etc.

But you will leave a good-looking corpse. *grin*