Traveller 2022 Character Creation: qualify for career each term?


In the 2022 core rule book, the Character Creation flow chart "Start New Term" box (bottom of page 14) implies that you have to roll for qualification each term, even if you're already in a given career. This is a big change from (all) earlier editions.

Is it a mistake?
Page 20 clarifies this a bit. Simply, if you are electing another term in the same career and assignment; no qualification roll is needed. If you elect to change a career or change an assignment within your current career; a qualification roll is needed. Also remember, that during your advancement roll, if you roll a nat 12, you are strong-armed into serving another term in your present career (Pg. 18).
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Already answered; I'll just add that especially in 1e, and still sometimes in 2e, I've noticed that rules are not restated in full every single time they're referenced somewhere else. Which I gather is a thing some other modern rulesets try to do, restate things every single time so there's no possible way a ruleslawyer can point to just one page and try to argue the opposite of the main rule reference.

So that's a thing to be aware of as a GM and a player. Just because you can read a sentence on one page a certain way doesn't mean you shouldn't look up the main rule. And really the ruleset hangs together pretty well, so things make sense once you know them and it's not a big burden over time.
Thanks for the replies.

The flowchart is misleading, and p20 only clarifies to some extent ;)

But basically, I can continue creating characters as in earlier version: they stay in a career without a roll, unless swapping to a different branch / career.