Tools as improvised Weapons?


Banded Mongoose
I intend to confront my players with a bunch of repair droids gone rogue. Are there any rules for using tools as improvised weapons? I am talking about welding torches and stuff. I was thinking about using the stun-bat rules for electricuting opponents with high voltage tools, but any suggestions for welders? There are damage rules for Chainsaws but I am not sure if they are approbiate here.
Core update pg 82 says 2D per round of exposure to a welding torch. Somewhere there is a rule for welding lasers, not much more than melee range IIRC.
pg 124 has improvised weapons.
I seem to recall old (LBB era) rules about Traveller laser welders basically working like laser carbines for purposes of damage, but with a range of only 1 meter. Presumably using a tool to hit someone with would be based on the size and mass of the tool; as a GM I might go with 1D for a one-handed tool (like a wrench or screwdriver), 2D for a two-handed tool (crowbar or other metal thing around 1 meter long); for power tools, maybe add +1 or +2 damage depending on sharpness, tech and application (does a power sander ablate armor? Is a titanium drill bit armor piercing? Does a TL 6 Skilsaw have a to-hit penalty to avoid getting tangled in the power cord?)
CSC has three types of Flamethrower on pg 124.
CSC also has Hand Flamer (3D6, Traits: Blast 2, Fire) or Flame Rifle (4D6, Traits: Blast 3, Fire) , which are basically purpose made Flamethrowers.

You can use FC to model your own flamethrower/welder as an energy projector weapon (page 59). Also has rules on combing fuel and propellant on page 61. FC, pg 23, briefly mentions the hazards of ramshackle home-made flamethrowers. But the 'Ramshackle' trait is to model poorly made tool, rather than improvised re-purposed tool.

CSC also has electronic welding kit and cutting torch, but no damage mentioned here.
Core update pg 82 says 2D per round of exposure to a welding torch. Somewhere there is a rule for welding lasers, not much more than melee range IIRC.
pg 124 has improvised weapons.
Ditto ^^^ this.
I intend to confront my players with a bunch of repair droids gone rogue. Are there any rules for using tools as improvised weapons? I am talking about welding torches and stuff. I was thinking about using the stun-bat rules for electricuting opponents with high voltage tools, but any suggestions for welders? There are damage rules for Chainsaws but I am not sure if they are approbiate here.
Whats the full tool set?