To implement 'Aliens' movie in Mongoose Traveller


Was thinking about this today, how much of what we need already exists in the ruleset, and how much of what we need is going to be in future books, and how much of what we need would we need to come up with?

Obviously you'd need to come up with hypersleep rules and remove Jump drive.

Hypersleep is essentially a low berth. Jump drive can be altered using one of the alternates. Pulse rifle is the ACR.

What is most important is defining the alien.

TO be honest the rest falls into place fairly easily.
Use the hyperdrive rules, but modify them so they (1.) are only the same size as jump drives, (2.) go a fraction of a parsec a day and (3.) use a bit of fuel, maybe sip it (or not as you think the setting requires).
Also, the "Alien" universe has real-time interstellar communication.

(In fact, they don't seem to have this in "Alien", but they definitely do by the time of "Alien 3"."Aliens" talks about losing communications with the colony, but I don't remember if there's a strong implication about how fast the communications normally are.)
Hypersleep would not be a problem. Semi-autonomous AIs ie Mother, Bishop, Call would present more problems for Traveller. Pseudobios only come in around TL F.

No need to do away with the Jump Drive just make the distances very, very long.

Defining the Alien is easy...Space Gamer and JTAS both had versions that I could share with the board's permission.

Motivation of why the resources are needed from so far...could be the Alien Universe is set Rimward edge of the Solomani Sphere and these attempts are the Persus Arm exploration teams.
iainjcoleman said:
Also, the "Alien" universe has real-time interstellar communication.

(In fact, they don't seem to have this in "Alien", but they definitely do by the time of "Alien 3"."Aliens" talks about losing communications with the colony, but I don't remember if there's a strong implication about how fast the communications normally are.)

I know the films quite well, and I can't think of a single time when we see evidence of real time interstellar comms, even Alien 3 we only see text xomms received by the prison complex.

lastbesthope said:
I know the films quite well, and I can't think of a single time when we see evidence of real time interstellar comms, even Alien 3 we only see text xomms received by the prison complex.


the timelag of those comms seems to imply that either the company ship is already in the system when it gets the message, or it's using some kind of FTL communication that has a lag of a few days/hours (at first) and then much shorter as it approaches the planet.
Oh yeah, thinking about it last night I realised that the comms must be FTL by the time of Aliens 3 at least., so depending on distance it could be real time ish, lag similar or more than current satellite relays.

Aliens 3 is only a short time after Aliens, though.

While there is definite changes in technology between Alien (speed of travel) and Aliens/Alien 3 and again for Alien Resurection (speed of travel, small interstellar craft, no need for hypersleep), certain things don't seem to change - androids and weapons.
Greg Smith said:
(speed of travel, small interstellar craft, no need for hypersleep), certain things don't seem to change - androids and weapons.

There is a need for hypersleep, in Alien Res, the bodies the Betty sell to the Auriga were in cryotubes when they were stolen, and the only travel we see in ALien Res is intra solar syatem.

I did consider it a possibilty that Aliens vs. Preditor could end up as a Mongoose licence, now that they have a new partner company....
TrippyHippy said:
I did consider it a possibilty that Aliens vs. Preditor could end up as a Mongoose licence, now that they have a new partner company....

That is the one thing which will guarantee that I do not buy such a product.

To me, AvP is an interesting what-if movie based upon a little bit of decoration in P2, and has no bearing upon the storyline of the Alien films.
Jame Rowe said:
To me, AvP is an interesting what-if movie based upon a little bit of decoration in P2, and has no bearing upon the storyline of the Alien films.

I'm guessing you missed the AvP comic series that came out way before the film did?
I mentioned it because the comic was completely different to the films. The comics were set in the future on a human colony world, with the preds dropping alien eggs to hunt them there and the humans caught up in the middle. Would have made for a better movie I think.
Ahh. In that, at least, I agree. The reason I object is a rather knee-jerk "I don't want Predator in my Aliens" reaction.
lastbesthope said:
Greg Smith said:
(speed of travel, small interstellar craft, no need for hypersleep), certain things don't seem to change - androids and weapons.

There is a need for hypersleep, in Alien Res, the bodies the Betty sell to the Auriga were in cryotubes when they were stolen, and the only travel we see in ALien Res is intra solar syatem.


Doesn't the Auriga start out on the far edge of known space (or somewhere like that)? I assumed the cryotubes were used to preserve the specimins, making them easier to transfer than actual live people.
Actually, the only Alien movie that I grok is the first one really, although I thought the Alien 3 had something of an interesting premise. But that wasn't the reason why I mentioned it - I just thought that it could be made into an impressive game supplement, with a title that could attract a lot of attention.
In Aliens I remeber Hudson panicking and asking how long it would take to get reinforcements.

The answer was 17 days, which Hudson thought was too long.

If the colony planet is in another solar system and it only takes 17 days to get there, the ships much surely have FTL capability?