Tito's Trading Post Question?


Is this out yet, and has anyone in the U.S. seen it yet?

The web site says its available, but it hasn't shown yet in my local store.

Thansk for any info.
I picked mine up yesterday at my local game store. Its a really good read, so far. I'm not sure about the whole hardcover black and white thing. I'm not sure why they went that route. It would have been better in color... but thats just me. It doesn't detract from the writing or the volume of information that you get out of it.
RabidAntiShemite said:
Its a really good read, so far.

Beware that there is a lot of duplicated material from other books here. (Which is okay if the idea behind the book is to collect everything into one place.)

So, I would only recommend this book if either:

a) You don't have most of the Conan RPG books already.

b) You would like to have "everything" conveniently collected into a single volume.

c) You buy every book in the Conan RPG series anyway, because you're a collector (like me :D).

- thulsa
thulsa said:
c) You buy every book in the Conan RPG series anyway, because you're a collector (like me :D).
That would be me too I guess... :)
So not much new material at all then? In Stygia it was mentioned that Tito's would have rules for chariots and chariot combat; is that in there?
Trodax said:
In Stygia it was mentioned that Tito's would have rules for chariots and chariot combat; is that in there?

Tito does have chariots and chariot rules, about two and a half pages total.

However, I remember that there were chariot rules in the Acheronian article from Signs and Portents too, although I haven't compared the two yet.

- thulsa
Is is mostly colected stuff from S&P articles or mostly collected stuff from the books? I mean, a hard cover b/w book is tough for me to plunk down $25+ for. I wonder why they didn't just do it soft? Better binding maybe?
Yeah I guess they went with the better binding.l I don't have the S&P articles for Conan so I can't comment on the material there. There is alot of duplicated material, but I will enjoy having it placed in one spot.