Thurian Age Questions

I want to learn more about the pre-Hyborian eras in the Howard-universe (REHverse) and am trying to locate info on the Thurian continent (Valusia, Kamelia, Grondar...), Cataclysm, Atlantis, etc. Are there any sources or online sources to help out. I'm looking forward to a release of the Kull stories (hopefully this year) but before then I need a clearer idea of the ancient, pre-Conan years.

For example...

1) Did Elder Stygia exist during the time when Atlantis flourished?

2) If Atlantis had colonies on the Thurian continent, where might they be located (if at all) on the Hyborian continent?

3) Did the Giant-Kings who ruled Elder Stygia have any contact or relationship with Atlantis?
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1) Did Elder Stygia exist during the time when Atlantis flourished?

2) If Atlantis had colonies on the Thurian continent, where might they be located (if at all) on the Hyborian continent?

3) Did the Giant-Kings who ruled Elder Stygia have any contact or relationship with Atlantis?
Kull: Exile of Atlantis will be released this October.

In "The Mystery of Pre-Human Stygia" Dale Rippke identifies the giant-kings with the Old Race mentioned in the Kull story "The Altar and the Scorpion" and points out that Akivasha in The Hour of the Dragon was alive during the Thurian Age. So the giant-kings may well have interacted with Atlanteans, but that was pre-Stygia.
Faraer said:
Kull: Exile of Atlantis will be released this October.

In "The Mystery of Pre-Human Stygia" Dale Rippke identifies the giant-kings with the Old Race mentioned in the Kull story "The Altar and the Scorpion" and points out that Akivasha in The Hour of the Dragon was alive during the Thurian Age. So the giant-kings may well have interacted with Atlanteans, but that was pre-Stygia.

I had forgotten that. Thanks for reminding me of it.
Faraer said:
Kull: Exile of Atlantis will be released this October.

In "The Mystery of Pre-Human Stygia" Dale Rippke identifies the giant-kings with the Old Race mentioned in the Kull story "The Altar and the Scorpion" and points out that Akivasha in The Hour of the Dragon was alive during the Thurian Age. So the giant-kings may well have interacted with Atlanteans, but that was pre-Stygia.

During several months, I believed in the Rippke's opinion, about Akivasha had become a vampire 3,500 years before the Great Cataclysm. But Rippke himself said about a Howard's timeline that sets Kull's Age around 100,000 years B.C.

Besides, in the tale "The People of the Black Circle", is mentioned that Yasmina was daughter of “a thousand generations of sovereignship” - this means that Vendhya arouse at least 10,000 years before Conan's Age. And, agreeing with the article "The Blue East", it seems the kshatriyas founded Vendhya after the stablishment of the olived-skinned Lemurian people in that region.

So, I believe Akivasha was born thousands and thousand of years after the Great Cataclysm.
If you can get it, Baen Book released some times ago a special Kull volume.
With this book, the Hyborian Age essay and Dale Rippke site, you should have almost all of the source available.
I did some maps based on the different eras of history.

They detail such things as the Stygian migration from Khitai, Location of Acheron and it's cities, etc. I based it all on the Hyborian age documents and stuff others have written. (at the bottom)

emirikol said:
I did some maps based on the different eras of history.

They detail such things as the Stygian migration from Khitai, Location of Acheron and it's cities, etc. I based it all on the Hyborian age documents and stuff others have written. (at the bottom)

Acheron didn't exist at the time of Kull.
I'm reading Kull: Exile of Atlantis now. Exellent book! I highly recommend it. I wasn't very familliar with the Pre-Catacysmic Age before this. It's a bit of an adjustmant from Hyboria. The Picts are the Allies of civilization! Kull is very introspective, brooding, and prone to deep philosophical musings. He is still a fearsom savage at heart, but at times he seems to have more in common with Elric than conan. The Fantasy or "Wierd" parts are more pronounced. It's like Conan meets the Twilight Zone. But Its still REH. I love it!
Valgrim said:
I'm reading Kull: Exile of Atlantis now. Exellent book! I highly recommend it. I wasn't very familliar with the Pre-Catacysmic Age before this. It's a bit of an adjustmant from Hyboria. The Picts are the Allies of civilization! Kull is very introspective, brooding, and prone to deep philosophical musings. He is still a fearsom savage at heart, but at times he seems to have more in common with Elric than conan. The Fantasy or "Wierd" parts are more pronounced. It's like Conan meets the Twilight Zone. But Its still REH. I love it!
There ar emany philosophical notions in Kull: the mirrors of Tuzun Thune and the skull of silence where Howard describes very well absolute silence and the abyssal void of a creature that shouldn't be.