The Spawn of Daggoth Hill

While this template is interesting, who in their right mind would waste a feat slot on taking this? If you look like that monster in the picture you'd never be able to go to any civilised cities. I'm thinking the publishers thought that only NPC's would take that and evil scholars. Also, the Vampire template is really nice and yet it has no level adjustment. So if a player wanted to make a higher level character start with the vampire template...what do i say? No? It gives you a slew of benefits whilst no level adjustment. I dont know, I think its overpowering, I wouldnt let my players take it.
Arthas the Lich King said:
While this template is interesting, who in their right mind would waste a feat slot on taking this? If you look like that monster in the picture you'd never be able to go to any civilised cities. I'm thinking the publishers thought that only NPC's would take that and evil scholars.
Evil scholars dont' need townsfolk to welcom them, the pesants are too afraid to turn them away :twisted:

Also, the Vampire template is really nice and yet it has no level adjustment. So if a player wanted to make a higher level character start with the vampire template...what do i say? No?
"No" works for me.

It gives you a slew of benefits whilst no level adjustment. I dont know, I think its overpowering, I wouldnt let my players take it.
Which brings us back to the n-word again. :wink:
Scroll of skelos contains a spell that allows the caster to transform into a vampire. That would be the only official way to get the vampire template, so tell that to your player.

On the other hand, if you trust your player, you can just give him the vamp template, if he just wants to have some fun. Make sure that you are either playing solo with him, or if not, that its ok with the rest of the group.

As for spawn of dagoth hill, its an excellent feat/template. No, you do't have to look like the pictured fiend. Perhaps the char only contains some discrepencies/scarring on his chest, which can be hidden by clothing. Roleplay it. The spawn of d hill is perhaps the best feat for evil scholars.
There is a reason that the vampire template appears in the bestiary rather than in the player section.

I play a Spawn of Dagoth. My character is called Sergius the Black and has dusky skin, raven black hair and eyes the color of a moonless night. He is the son of a Kothian noblewoman who dabbled in sorcery and gave herself to a demon in the haunted ruins in order to increase her own power. Her husband found out years later and had Sergius flogged out of town.

Sergius now wanders the Hyborian kingdoms, living as a thief and a mercenary, not fully comprehending what he truly is...
That has very little to do with the conversation, there talking about the SOCIAL implications (and level ones) about them...
My point is...this character template can be used for a PC and is certainly able to interact and survive in social situations. Sergius looks a little odd, and talented sorcerers can see his true nature, if they're looking for it, but the average fellow can't recognize a Dagoth spawn when they see one.

Indeed, players can make very interesting characters using this template. The vampire template is a lot tougher, unless the rest of the PCs in a given group are willing to tolerate a creature like that in their midst...but apart from that, vampires look very much like anyone else in Hyboria also.