Cosmic Mongoose
If you consider the 1st class to have single staterooms, 2nd class to have double occupancy staterooms & 3rd class to be in low berths (and double occupancy for the crew), it would require at least 1 200 staterooms and 1 186 low berths : 6 593 dt. This only represent the NET Gross Register Tonnage (without any extra common space, just the usual 25%)... At least 16 000dT (and it's just an estimation) for the Gross Register Tonnage.I have done exactly one cruise, Vancouver up to Alaska and back with several stops along the way. I can't say I was a big fan.
My mother has done many cruises. She enjoys them. She took a cruise from San Francisco to Hawaii and back. You depart San Francisco at 4pm the first day. You then spend four full days at sea, arriving in Maui at 10am on the sixth day. You spend days 6, 7, 8 and 9 travelling around the Hawaiian islands doing excursions and then spend four days sailing back. My mom took this trip. She said even as a veteran cruiser, on a very large cruise ship with plenty of amenities, she said that four days at sea on the way there and four days at sea on the way back was long. If you are the type of person who just wants to put their feet up and read a book, it is fine. But for most people, the activities on the boat are very limited.
Now, imagine a jump capable liner. 25% common space seems pretty puny. I think to keep people happy and comfortable, you are going to be looking at a lot more common spaces with theatres, live shows, sports activities (like gyms), pools, casinos, shopping plazas, etc. All those amenities will require a lot more crew. Most modern cruise ships have one crew member for every 2-3 guests.
A better analogy are ocean liners. The RMS Lusitania could cross the Atlantic in just slightly over five days. She carried 552 first class, 460 second class, 1,186 third class; 2,198 total passengers with a crew of 850.
The RMS Lusitania had a Gross Register Tonnage of 31,550 Tons = a ship's total internal volume expressed in "register tons", each of which is equal to 100 cubic feet (2.83 m3). So, 31,550 x 2.83 = 89,286.5 m3 / 13.5 = 6,614 dTons.
- Kerry
Compared to RMS Lusitania, a Traveller liner feels roomy & luxurious.