Taken from another thread:
[/quote] Anyway, that is starting to get into the philosophy of Glorantha.
[/quote] Anyway, that is starting to get into the philosophy of Glorantha.
I am curious about what the philosophy of Glorantha is.
Glorantha seems different from other game worlds in that to me it is not so much a setting as a world that has a number of possible settings in it.
I've been trying to think of ways to explain Glorantha to new players, but come up with a blank with regards to explaining things. I like to find ways to "pitch" my campaigns in a few words designed to spur interest. And of course I love to create things for new worlds.
Certainly the magic system is different from D&D, and this may affect the way things happen. The uber-powerful spells of D&D do not seem to be present (they weren't in the original rulebooks). On the other hand, the original source materials had magic a lot more common than in D&D worlds, kind of like Eberron. I've been thinking along these lines and concluding that this could have a major impact on women's rights.
Also the gods are very important. In D&D I get the impression that the worlds exist before the gods, who then put their stamp on the world. (Except for Ravenloft, which is created and continually reshaped by the Dark Powers.) In the Glorantha universe, I have the impression that the gods have a much deeper involvement with the creation and preservation of the world.
I appreciate any and all insights.