The new EA Fleets Boxes


I´ve looked at the new Fleet Boxes and wonder why in the Crusade Era Box are two Nemesis and one Marathon.

The Marathon is Battle Level and the Nemesis Armageddon (or I´m wrong).

Is not better to have to Marathons and one Nemesis ?

3 Raid, 4 Battle and 2 Armageddon Choices.

And I don´t think, that somebody realy needs 3 Apollos.

2 Apollos and 2 Marathons are better.

And then change one Armageddon Choice for some Skirmish Choices.
I think the worst part is the one about Battle lvl.

Yes sir, we have one ship of the line (well advanced cruiser). And 3 Support cruisers forming the uh well battle line.....
Come again?
Goldritter said:

3 Raid, 4 Battle and 2 Armageddon Choices.

And I don´t think, that somebody realy needs 3 Apollos.

2 Apollos and 2 Marathons are better.

And then change one Armageddon Choice for some Skirmish Choices.

Well I'll be getting my second through fourth Apollos from the box, and like Sláine, I don't think it to many.
Goldritter said:

3 Raid, 4 Battle and 2 Armageddon Choices.

And I don´t think, that somebody realy needs 3 Apollos.

2 Apollos and 2 Marathons are better.

And then change one Armageddon Choice for some Skirmish Choices.

Look like the Sagitarius fleet than every one is talking about. Because 18 missiles agast any ship.... That is bad! :wink:
Goldritter said:
And then change one Armageddon Choice for some Skirmish Choices.

You might as well just sub it for Hyperions, then they become Raid and the only Skirmish choices. Or add a whole lot more fighters and/or Hermes.
To be fair, probably the most top heavy box is the minbari fleet box (what, 4 Sharlins?) so a top-heavy EA box is hardly precedent setting.

I agree that the variety could have been a little better (apollos!!) but its probably much cheaper to include than the marathon.

Or why not change one of the Nemesis against one or two Marathons or Assault Hyperions.

Two Armageddon Level Ships :shock: !

Who need two Armageddon Level Ships in a campaign battle ?
You don't normally, but you might find yourself in two high level games in one campaign turn. Thus you assign one armageddon level ship to each and hope they make it through...
What if you roll a 10 point war game in a campaign? That's a lot of points, sinking some of it into armageddon ships might be worthwhile. Besides, if you have two Nemesis-class ships in your campaign fleet you need a model for each in case they ever have to appear together.

It is, however, not very likely that you'll ever need to field more than one ship at that level.
Goldritter said:

3 Raid, 4 Battle and 2 Armageddon Choices.

And I don´t think, that somebody realy needs 3 Apollos.

2 Apollos and 2 Marathons are better.

And then change one Armageddon Choice for some Skirmish Choices.

When you have a KILLER! like the Adira or the octurion, and you have 3 apollos shooting 24 flash missile (because the they are a squadron!) and make 7 crit to that monster ah! double damage, You will understand why 3 Apollos. :lol:
The box set that gives more of what I want is the Early years box set, if the Crusade era box set had more Marathons in it, then it would become more appealing.
I don´t think, that Apollos are good against Octurions or the Adira.

1. Both have a Hull of 6 so only 4 (6 with CAF) of the Missiles meight hit.
2. And the Octurion has a Interceptor which will intercept 3-4 Missiles. And the Adira has a GEG so the Missiles which hit are intercepted or neutrelized. And if you lucky you will get 1-4 Crits with all three Apollos.

And then will the Octurion or the Adira answer with their Beam Weapons which are likely to kill a Apollo instantly.
Chernobyl said:
To be fair, probably the most top heavy box is the minbari fleet box (what, 4 Sharlins?) so a top-heavy EA box is hardly precedent setting.

I agree that the variety could have been a little better (apollos!!) but its probably much cheaper to include than the marathon.

I think you'll find the Shadows boxed set is the most top-heavy :shock:
hey, speaking of Adira, which goes first, GEG or interceptors?

I hope Armageddon gives an order of priority for the dodge, GEG, interceptors....
