The Lone Wolf Mega-Deals are Back!

Greg Smith said:
pjagum said:
Does anyone have the original Megadealconditiones to post here or send me by mail? Probably for the "second edition" of the megadeal, since I bought it approximately 4 years ago and can`t remember to have read anything about a Sommerswerd.

I found this:
So it is 38 books. No Somerswerd.

IIIRC the idea for the Somerswerd was floated but was never actually offered.

I have to say I am still laughing aloud after following this link and coming face to face with my own mad gibberins from 5 years ago. :)

And yes you were right the Sword was originally talked about but then removed from the deal as it was not "feasible to produce it for purchasers of the MegaDeal."

Going back through my old email receipts from 2007 (Yes I have a big inbox) I paied £299.00 for the 38 book Mega Deal. "The Mega Deal will comprise a total of 38 books. The 32 gamebooks plus two novel trilogies."

The NEW Mega Deal is only £100 more and the price for all the Lone Wolf Multiplayer Gamebooks currently out and the 3 pre-orders is £115.

Now people are going to say my next suggestion is mad as we were ment to get 38 books and now there will only be 34, but I say the remaining novels may still come out which we would still get if they do, and yes we have waited along time and have mis-prints and so on but from what I have read the mis-prints are still there and we have been enjoying the books 5 years longer than someone who get the Mega-Deal today. But here is my request.

( I am going to start a new Thread for this request as I think many will want to comment.)

Dear Mongoose,
As an Original Mega-Deal owner,


For the difference of the what I paid back in 2007 of £299 and the new Price of £399 can I pay the £100 to receive "every book in the Lone Wolf Multiplayer Gamebook range as soon as it is released, right up until I finally receive Lone Wolf 32"

Now I go to repost this as a new thread.
And thus, Megadeal turned into the Megavaporware or Megascam (depending on how nice you want to be), although I think the fault lies more with the author who made promises he couldn't keep.